Think Out Loud With Me

E62: TOLWM + Sarai Speer x Int'l Fv&%@^' Women's Day

Episode 62

On this unapologetically raw and fiery International Women’s Day episode, I sit down (live!) with the unstoppable Sarai Speer, aka The Platinum Giraffe. We throw out the scripts and get straight into what this day really means—beyond the Instagram posts and corporate shoutouts. From the ways women are still being told to “stay in their lane” to the times we decided to burn the lane down entirely, this conversation is a full-bodied call to action, wrapped in humor, truth, and a little bit of swearing. Because, honestly, what’s empowerment without a little edge?

Key Insights & Takeaways:

  • The Myth of Gratitude as a Muzzle: Why “be humble, be grateful” is often code for “stay small”—and how we’re done with that.
  • Women Supporting Women… But Are We? We dig into the ways women sometimes gatekeep power instead of sharing it and why true empowerment means lifting as we climb. 
  • Taking Up Space—And Not Apologizing for It: Sarai and I talk about moments when we had to step into our own power, despite the noise telling us to shrink.
  • International Women’s Day Rewritten: If we got to rebrand the day, what would we call it? (Spoiler: It’s not for the faint of heart.)
  • The One-Minute Mic Drop: If you had one minute to rally every woman on this planet, what would you say? Sarai’s answer? Pure fire.
  • Justice—Not Just for the Few: We closed with a discussion about justice—who gets it, who doesn’t, and what it actually means when we say we want a just world. Because justice isn’t just a word; it’s a responsibility.

Thought Prompts:

  • When was the last time you took up space unapologetically? What would it look like to do that today? No, it's not a holiday. It's YOUR day!
  • Have you ever been told to “be grateful” in a way that felt more like a leash than a celebration? How did you respond?
  • In what ways can we better show up for other women—especially when no one’s watching?
  • What’s your personal rallying cry? If you had one minute to empower women everywhere, what would you say?
  • What does justice mean to you? How do you contribute to making it real?

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00:00:04.690 --> 00:00:07.150
Natalie P.: Hello, Hello!

00:00:07.690 --> 00:00:22.939
Natalie P.: Welcome to a live episode just off the cuff going live? Holy hell! That's what we've done of think out loud with me, and today my guest Sarai spear, Aka, the platinum giraffe Aka.

00:00:23.860 --> 00:00:32.489
Natalie P.: one of my outrageously cool connections in this adventure of finding people to think out loud with me.

00:00:32.729 --> 00:00:47.989
Natalie P.: Sarai is back for a check in on this day. It is an absolutely stunning day, this fine ass day. It's International Women's Day happens to be and I can't think of something I'd rather be doing right now than shooting the shit with you, sister. Say, hey.

00:00:48.160 --> 00:00:57.189
Sarai Speer: Honestly I feel like cause we were supposed to record this before. And I just love that we recorded it today. Cause it's International Women's Day.

00:00:57.190 --> 00:00:57.550
Natalie P.: Right.

00:00:57.550 --> 00:01:06.369
Sarai Speer: We've got 2 bad bitches like ready to just see where this conversation goes. I'm so freaking excited to be here, friend.

00:01:06.770 --> 00:01:24.159
Natalie P.: Cool. What the saying is, which is, as soon as I start using the overusing, the saying, it's everywhere for me, right? It's like intent is always working like, yeah, we were supposed to meet today. Of course, here we are. So let's cut to the chase. Then.

00:01:24.350 --> 00:01:25.310
Sarai Speer: Let's do it.

00:01:25.760 --> 00:01:27.080
Natalie P.: I'm gonna be honest

00:01:28.680 --> 00:01:34.599
Natalie P.: as I'm sitting here, I'm literally sitting here, and you've you've got the same thing. I'm looking around at your cool backdrop

00:01:35.120 --> 00:01:40.419
Natalie P.: in front of me over my my camera. I've got Frida Kahlo.

00:01:41.754 --> 00:01:52.140
Natalie P.: I look on my shelf. I've got everybody from my Angelou to I I like, and behind me, and yet somehow

00:01:53.650 --> 00:01:56.600
Natalie P.: I've shared a few memes over the years.

00:01:57.690 --> 00:01:59.170
Natalie P.: But this is like

00:01:59.340 --> 00:02:12.869
Natalie P.: this. The last 10 min of you and me has is the absolute most I've ever done in my life to celebrate myself and to celebrate you and to celebrate all these women internationally.

00:02:14.020 --> 00:02:15.610
Natalie P.: I'm just gonna put that out there.

00:02:16.550 --> 00:02:31.090
Sarai Speer: You know what's interesting is this is the 1st year that I can remember it meaning so much to me. I think in years past I've been like, Oh, great! It's Women's Day and Happy International Women's Day. But this year I'm like

00:02:31.450 --> 00:02:47.730
Sarai Speer: fuck. Let's like, I want to celebrate everybody, every woman shape, size, like I'm just. I'm so into this. I'm like, you're gonna be sick of hearing about international Women's Day when you are done having a conversation with me today.

00:02:47.730 --> 00:02:48.430
Natalie P.: River.

00:02:49.920 --> 00:02:51.390
Natalie P.: Because why not?

00:02:51.390 --> 00:02:52.010
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:02:52.260 --> 00:03:15.880
Natalie P.: I mean. And isn't that the nature of our game, too, like I don't want to spout too much about who I am, because I might. You know we are also. We're in this space of just freaking over conditioning to like, not want to offend. But where do we land? And then there's this moment of like, you know, realization that I've had.

00:03:16.230 --> 00:03:25.999
Natalie P.: which sounds again. I guess I'm just feeling super like I'll just spew truth the connection of truly feeling

00:03:27.000 --> 00:03:30.170
Natalie P.: that women's rights are human rights.

00:03:34.610 --> 00:03:35.400
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:03:36.170 --> 00:03:38.890
Natalie P.: And that makes my heart like do something.

00:03:39.410 --> 00:03:41.560
Natalie P.: And that's how I know it's my truth.

00:03:42.180 --> 00:03:45.299
Sarai Speer: And I've never paid attention to that before.

00:03:46.140 --> 00:03:59.799
Natalie P.: Just since, like, how long have you and I known each other? This is like this is a new thing for me to feel, and I know you like you've locked into something. I've watched you like, what is this that's got us

00:04:00.030 --> 00:04:02.780
Natalie P.: this truth where it's like an.

00:04:07.410 --> 00:04:08.950
Sarai Speer: Yeah, that.

00:04:09.120 --> 00:04:20.930
Sarai Speer: Yes, I I think that I know for me. I've taken a lot of

00:04:21.740 --> 00:04:33.370
Sarai Speer: a lot of this for granted that you know I've had rights. I've not had to necessarily fight tooth and nail, for you know things while I have.

00:04:33.480 --> 00:04:40.730
Sarai Speer: But I think with the current state of our fucking dumpster fire world. I think we're really

00:04:41.040 --> 00:05:03.939
Sarai Speer: seeing things come to the forefront. And for me, you know, somebody. Somebody said something the other day, and I just looked at them, and I was like, Are you fucking insane? I was talking about women's rights and how I'm moving to a state where I'm a little scared to move there, and somebody was like, Well, you're not. You can't get pregnant, anyway. So what does it matter to you? And I'm like, Oh, oh.

00:05:04.290 --> 00:05:05.110
Natalie P.: Snap.

00:05:05.340 --> 00:05:17.249
Sarai Speer: Like, is it? Is this? Is this really the way the conversation is going to go? Hold on. Let me educate you. Because why it matters is all women's rights matter, and it's you know it's so

00:05:17.570 --> 00:05:21.740
Sarai Speer: in the forefront right now, everywhere we look.

00:05:21.950 --> 00:05:33.200
Sarai Speer: we're being told we're wrong to stay home to make babies. If you don't produce kids, you're wrong. It's like all of these things are being shoved at us all the time. And here's the fucked up thing, Natalie, like

00:05:33.600 --> 00:05:57.330
Sarai Speer: it doesn't like you. You try to fit yourself into this box, but then somebody else gives you another box, and you're like, oh, fuck! So now I got to fit into this box, and then it's another box, and and it keeps changing. And so I think what I've done is like, fuck your boxes. I'm done. I'm done. I'm going to go live in some fucking parallel universe. I'm going to live in a little octagon, and I'm not gonna make myself small anymore.

00:05:57.350 --> 00:06:14.080
Sarai Speer: I tried that. I tried playing all the games fitting into the little boxes, and I lost pieces of myself and the last couple of years I've been putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, and I will not fucking. Go back there, and I'm to the point where

00:06:14.250 --> 00:06:30.180
Sarai Speer: I used to want everybody to like me, and you know I wanted to be. I wanted to play nice with everybody, and I don't mean to be a Dick, but at the same time, like I'm going to speak for my fucking truth for what I believe in. And if that offends you, that sounds like a, you problem, not a me problem

00:06:30.320 --> 00:06:31.950
Sarai Speer: period, full stop.

00:06:35.960 --> 00:06:36.700
Natalie P.: Yeah.

00:06:39.780 --> 00:06:42.690
Natalie P.: because the

00:06:46.590 --> 00:06:48.610
Natalie P.: the comfort of.

00:06:48.950 --> 00:06:56.830
Natalie P.: because what we've done all of our lives. And and I'll say our, because I think I'm relating to your story is like

00:06:57.630 --> 00:07:01.526
Natalie P.: we have found comfort in other people's comfort. And

00:07:04.050 --> 00:07:11.379
Natalie P.: That's not a bad thing. That's not a that's not an I don't care for you.

00:07:12.880 --> 00:07:14.390
Natalie P.: That is.

00:07:15.090 --> 00:07:24.399
Natalie P.: I am going to answer my my truth, my truth And now I've gotten to a place this isn't about.

00:07:24.660 --> 00:07:31.739
Natalie P.: You know I'm I'm sensitive to the concept of someone saying, Well, that's just how I am, and you're going to have to deal with it.

00:07:34.520 --> 00:07:37.659
Natalie P.: That's not what I'm saying at all.

00:07:39.700 --> 00:07:42.090
Natalie P.: I'm saying that

00:07:42.490 --> 00:08:03.339
Natalie P.: what comes out of me and what gets expressed from me in its full form is beautiful, and that I take responsibility for it, and I am feeding this like inner wellspring of creativity and craziness to test the own. My own

00:08:03.720 --> 00:08:05.360
Natalie P.: outer limits.

00:08:06.520 --> 00:08:09.480
Natalie P.: I want to see how crazy I am.

00:08:11.060 --> 00:08:19.799
Natalie P.: And that's gonna scare people that scares me. That's always scared me, that has always scared me.

00:08:20.990 --> 00:08:23.200
Natalie P.: How crazy are you, Natalie?

00:08:24.770 --> 00:08:32.020
Natalie P.: That's that is generational. That is, that is my, that's my lineage.

00:08:32.280 --> 00:08:36.879
Natalie P.: Why am I like, yeah, man, I could go off and create, like

00:08:40.179 --> 00:08:45.949
Natalie P.: the voice, the speaking up, the finding of truth.

00:08:46.690 --> 00:08:51.190
Natalie P.: You know, just it's it's an incredible thing to

00:08:52.540 --> 00:09:04.489
Natalie P.: And I think the word we use is is power, just as a placeholder. It's it's not a it's not, it's it's not the same kind, it's a it's a knowing that that you can't unknow.

00:09:06.980 --> 00:09:07.850
Natalie P.: So.

00:09:08.310 --> 00:09:17.830
Sarai Speer: And I think that that made me think of this, this power, this placeholder power. It's almost this fierce.

00:09:18.560 --> 00:09:24.179
Sarai Speer: deep knowing of yourself, of your

00:09:24.540 --> 00:09:36.139
Sarai Speer: your beliefs, your expression of your beliefs. It's not this. I'm gonna put my thumb on. You kind of power. But this, like almost this, like mama, bear sort of

00:09:36.300 --> 00:09:37.910
Sarai Speer: fierceness that

00:09:38.370 --> 00:09:45.179
Sarai Speer: I am who I am. I'm weird. I'm I'm all of these things, and I'm fucking okay with this.

00:09:45.380 --> 00:09:46.700
Natalie P.: And.

00:09:46.930 --> 00:09:59.369
Sarai Speer: You know, it's so interesting because I look back in my twenties and I think about you know all the women I trash talked and like, oh, this 40 year old bitch, or this 50 year old bitch, and sitting at 44 now.

00:10:00.860 --> 00:10:02.020
Sarai Speer: You know, I

00:10:02.440 --> 00:10:13.240
Sarai Speer: I also envied those older women, because there was something about them, and at the time I couldn't put my finger on it. And I was like, man. These bitches don't care like these

00:10:13.790 --> 00:10:24.780
Sarai Speer: this bitches just they don't give a fuck, and they're they're cool and they're weird. And so I think in my twenties that triggered me. I was trying to, you know. Stay in these boxes and be everything to everybody. And now I'm like.

00:10:24.940 --> 00:10:53.489
Sarai Speer: I want to be that weird lady that, like I mean. I'm wearing face jewels on my forehead like I'm a 12 year old because it you know what it makes me fucking happy. It makes me happy, and I want to keep finding my weird and finding my voice, and finding these people who support that, who not only support that, but they want to be part of it. They want to lift you up. This really beautiful

00:10:53.610 --> 00:11:16.080
Sarai Speer: sisterhood that I missed out in my younger years. I missed out in my teen years on this sisterhood, on this fierce, fucking, powerful, weird woman sanctuary. And now I'm fully embracing it like the weirder the better. Bring it on. Let's lift each other's weird up.

00:11:16.530 --> 00:11:21.050
Natalie P.: That's awesome. Where were you this last this last trip?

00:11:21.690 --> 00:11:26.830
Sarai Speer: So I actually, I went on a goddess retreat. And let me tell you, I.

00:11:27.460 --> 00:11:34.800
Natalie P.: Had a little bit of trepidation about sharing a house with 12 uteruses, because I was like, Oh.

00:11:34.800 --> 00:11:36.090
Natalie P.: me! Heart! Palpitations!

00:11:36.090 --> 00:11:52.620
Sarai Speer: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, it can go really good. It could go really bad. It could be 80 shades in between. But I decided, because, you know, I've always sort of said, Oh, I'm a i'm a guy's girl, and I never really had these deep, beautiful, intimate women friendships.

00:11:52.620 --> 00:11:55.849
Natalie P.: Weird lady that like I mean, I'm wearing.

00:11:55.850 --> 00:11:58.589
Sarai Speer: So I decided to.

00:11:58.840 --> 00:12:00.609
Natalie P.: Like I'm a 12 year old.

00:12:03.100 --> 00:12:04.250
Natalie P.: Oh, sorry.

00:12:05.190 --> 00:12:06.060
Natalie P.: Keep going.

00:12:06.280 --> 00:12:08.690
Sarai Speer: Okay. I was like, I hear my voice in the back.

00:12:08.690 --> 00:12:10.129
Natalie P.: Yeah, it wasn't supposed to do that. Sorry.

00:12:10.460 --> 00:12:21.139
Sarai Speer: No, you're good. So I decided to do this retreat. One of my friends put it on, and I just went in with an open mind. And can I just tell you it?

00:12:22.430 --> 00:12:29.800
Sarai Speer: I'm not even sure I still have words to describe it. It was it was this sacred.

00:12:30.180 --> 00:12:34.600
Sarai Speer: safe space where we just

00:12:34.840 --> 00:12:43.090
Sarai Speer: we dug in and we talked about shit we bonded. And it was like immediate. It wasn't this.

00:12:43.620 --> 00:12:52.600
Sarai Speer: It wasn't this shit that you see on Instagram. That's like, you know, women support women. And meanwhile they're talking shit behind each other's back. It was this.

00:12:53.330 --> 00:13:00.089
Sarai Speer: this warm, gooey, beautiful space that we could come to heal together.

00:13:00.380 --> 00:13:11.840
Sarai Speer: We could talk, we did, yoga, we did we? Fucking, painted our faces with these jewels. We had dance parties. We dumped in the pool with clothes on, we hot tubbed.

00:13:11.990 --> 00:13:14.379
Sarai Speer: We got to experience

00:13:14.970 --> 00:13:24.250
Sarai Speer: our inner goddess, our femininity, our divine energy, in such a way that I was like.

00:13:24.820 --> 00:13:42.189
Sarai Speer: Oh, oh, I've always run very masculine, very fire, very pitta energy. And so for me to like, lean into this feminine I was like, oh, I don't know. I don't know. This doesn't feel familiar. But, God damn it, I came out of that. And I was like.

00:13:42.300 --> 00:13:55.509
Sarai Speer: Oh, shit. Okay, all right. So I'm gonna wear sparkles on my face to go out in public. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm gonna wear what I want. I learned to really appreciate my body

00:13:55.620 --> 00:14:05.059
Sarai Speer: in that space, because looking, we're all so beautiful. And I was looking at these women, and I'm like, God, you're you're drop dead gorgeous. And it didn't matter the shape or the size.

00:14:05.210 --> 00:14:09.420
Sarai Speer: And I was like, you're so beautiful. And I was like how

00:14:09.580 --> 00:14:13.420
Sarai Speer: you know what. So am I, and and I don't know that I've ever

00:14:13.630 --> 00:14:20.899
Sarai Speer: looked at my body, looked at myself, and thought you were so beautiful, Sarai, and I did at that retreat, and I was like, oh, my.

00:14:21.080 --> 00:14:28.559
Sarai Speer: this is such a big breakthrough! This is such a huge moment for me, and just getting to share that it. It was so

00:14:28.990 --> 00:14:32.080
Sarai Speer: freaking. Powerful I had.

00:14:32.490 --> 00:14:41.579
Sarai Speer: I had 0 expectation for it. I didn't want to label it with expectations. I just knew that it was going to be an experience one way or the other, and it was.

00:14:41.720 --> 00:14:45.650
Sarai Speer: It was beyond my wildest dreams, it was so

00:14:45.910 --> 00:14:55.709
Sarai Speer: empowering. And you know we have a group chat. We still talk to each other today like we're sending each other memes and and all these things. And like these beautiful little

00:14:56.100 --> 00:15:19.730
Sarai Speer: connections throughout, where we got to talk to different people, and and by the end of it, you know, there's 12 of us, and we're all we're all friends. We're all like genuine friends, and I'm like, it's weird because I feel like I've known you bitches for a lifetime like I just met you 5 days ago, and yet we've buried our soul to each other. We literally stared at each other in the eyeballs for 3 min, crying, not saying a damn word.

00:15:20.610 --> 00:15:33.360
Sarai Speer: It's so powerful when you're around that type of woman who wants to celebrate your success, who is ready to become this

00:15:33.600 --> 00:15:44.279
Sarai Speer: version of herself that is unashamed, that is proud, that is uplifting, and it's just oh, God! I got like goosebumps all over my body.

00:15:44.280 --> 00:15:46.370
Natalie P.: No, and it came through.

00:15:46.550 --> 00:15:57.120
Natalie P.: You know those are. That's the type of of you know, content that comes through and gives you goosebumps when you're watching it, because you can witness the energy, you know, and I think

00:15:57.330 --> 00:16:01.939
Natalie P.: that this, this exposure that we give

00:16:02.280 --> 00:16:08.550
Natalie P.: of each other this, this this head 1st dive in. I don't even know how to dive.

00:16:08.880 --> 00:16:12.859
Natalie P.: I belly flop, but if I'm being given

00:16:13.090 --> 00:16:36.339
Natalie P.: a chance, so it struck me while you were talking about the the concept of divine, feminine and divine masculine. And there are some voices that you know, including my mom and my grandmother, where we had. Yes, we did break the ceiling. We were doing the best. We gave it all. We were rebels, we we we have been, but that was still within the constructs of

00:16:36.340 --> 00:16:45.720
Natalie P.: us that has always been in the constructs, and we continue to play in that game knowingly right? But it's this next level of

00:16:45.880 --> 00:16:54.499
Natalie P.: knowingly being dipping in and out. And when I come into this space in this, I'll call it the Linkedin Beige world.

00:16:55.970 --> 00:16:58.379
Natalie P.: I'm not beijing down anymore.

00:16:59.610 --> 00:17:03.380
Natalie P.: Yeah. So is this the appropriate space?

00:17:04.140 --> 00:17:05.730
Natalie P.: I don't care anymore.

00:17:07.680 --> 00:17:09.600
Natalie P.: I have friends on here.

00:17:10.800 --> 00:17:23.429
Natalie P.: and that's who I'm talking to. I might have known him for a blip. I might have known him for most of my career before, you know. Long before Linkedin was ever a blip in its young teenager. Founders. Eye right.

00:17:23.800 --> 00:17:26.300
Natalie P.: whoever that was, I don't even know anymore.

00:17:27.270 --> 00:17:30.309
Natalie P.: But so we talk about.

00:17:30.530 --> 00:17:36.129
Natalie P.: So it this is interesting to me, too, because what you're flirting with, too, and we don't want to give it too much air time.

00:17:36.310 --> 00:17:47.870
Natalie P.: but we talk about empowering each other. We talk about walking into these spaces together and and and we celebrate. But I want to be. Women aren't supporting women.

00:17:48.190 --> 00:17:48.730
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:17:49.390 --> 00:18:00.759
Natalie P.: As a as a rule, there's there's so much work that we have to do. And I just want to know your 2 cents on like, where do we still need to get our act together from like your perspective?

00:18:01.639 --> 00:18:02.339
Sarai Speer: Fuck.

00:18:02.340 --> 00:18:04.250
Natalie P.: Pick a topic. And like, let's.

00:18:04.500 --> 00:18:34.489
Sarai Speer: I mean for me. It is when women supporting women and I made a post about this on Instagram this morning. It is all women. It is. It is trans women. It is black women, it is bipoc, it is disabled, it is, it is women. It is fucking women, and the thing is like, I don't necessarily have to agree with you. We don't have to be best friends, but as a woman I support you. I support your voice, I support your choice. I support your truth.

00:18:34.640 --> 00:18:42.910
Sarai Speer: and I think that we, especially as white women, I think that

00:18:43.370 --> 00:18:50.380
Sarai Speer: we have a lot of privileges that other people don't. And so we don't have the perspective

00:18:50.530 --> 00:18:54.120
Sarai Speer: to be able to include every single woman like.

00:18:54.310 --> 00:19:13.849
Sarai Speer: and I see it all the time, and women supporting women is not. I'm gonna cherry pick. I'm gonna support my white women, or I'm going to support my, if you're a lesbian, I don't support you, or if you're a masculine, I don't. No bitch like fucking support means all across the board, all across the board. And so I think

00:19:15.050 --> 00:19:21.719
Sarai Speer: this space of inclusivity is. It's so vast, it's so broad.

00:19:21.900 --> 00:19:40.190
Sarai Speer: But women supporting women again, does not mean that I necessarily agree with everything that you're saying, Natalie. I don't have to, but what I can do is I can support you as a woman and go fuck dude. You're dealing with some hard shit. You got the patriarchy smashing down on you, too, like let's band together. I don't have to

00:19:40.190 --> 00:20:06.529
Sarai Speer: have these best friend conversations with you, but what I do have to do is, I have to fucking support you. I have to stand up for you, and I have to hold your hand and encourage you to do the same, and that's the ripple effect that we have. So I think there's there's a long way to go. There is such a long way to go, and we're human. We're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I think inclusivity for all women shapes, sizes, ethnicities, religious background, sexual preference. You name it.

00:20:06.590 --> 00:20:10.770
Sarai Speer: Women supporting women means no exceptions.

00:20:13.220 --> 00:20:14.450
Natalie P.: I totally agree.

00:20:17.450 --> 00:20:21.669
Natalie P.: Yeah. And I. And I, I agree, and

00:20:22.351 --> 00:20:30.680
Natalie P.: on a different level. Yeah, I'm just. I'm intent, is always working

00:20:32.790 --> 00:20:41.680
Natalie P.: as a woman in my own, like looking back over my my life, and just in a space now of

00:20:42.430 --> 00:20:47.589
Natalie P.: reflection and gratitude, and just

00:20:50.980 --> 00:20:55.620
Natalie P.: the awareness of

00:20:56.190 --> 00:21:06.909
Natalie P.: the female energy, the awareness of my own feminine, the the power of connection with beautiful women like you, where we're

00:21:09.910 --> 00:21:15.960
Natalie P.: waking up and looking at each other, and like

00:21:17.090 --> 00:21:19.459
Natalie P.: my God, I see myself in you.

00:21:27.620 --> 00:21:35.970
Natalie P.: and have a moment of just quiet like heart knowing is like such a cool space to be in. Yeah.

00:21:38.820 --> 00:21:45.013
Natalie P.: I'm joining a a panel later this afternoon here in Loveland and

00:21:45.950 --> 00:21:54.360
Natalie P.: one of the the topics that well, the main topic. The kind of the overarching theme is justice.

00:21:54.710 --> 00:21:57.869
Natalie P.: And I'm curious, just, you know, kind of as a final.

00:21:58.070 --> 00:22:03.400
Natalie P.: I don't know reflection on this really. This big day.

00:22:06.330 --> 00:22:08.240
Natalie P.: What is justice

00:22:11.520 --> 00:22:20.480
Natalie P.: mean to you like and or and all wrapped into that like like, are there specific experiences that have really shaped

00:22:21.100 --> 00:22:26.100
Natalie P.: your understanding, your your definition of justice.

00:22:28.520 --> 00:22:30.729
Sarai Speer: Hitting me with the deep shit, friend.

00:22:30.730 --> 00:22:34.359
Natalie P.: I went deep. I got a shovel as my parting gift.

00:22:34.360 --> 00:22:35.440
Sarai Speer: Clearly.

00:22:35.999 --> 00:22:45.239
Sarai Speer: part. There's so much of me wants to grab my phone and like Google, like or not, Google, but chat gpt justice, I think it's.

00:22:46.570 --> 00:22:47.650
Natalie P.: Pick it apart.

00:22:47.650 --> 00:22:48.540
Sarai Speer: Yeah, I was, gonna say, I.

00:22:48.540 --> 00:22:50.610
Natalie P.: What's your 1st instinct?

00:22:50.610 --> 00:22:53.126
Sarai Speer: Well, it's really complicated, because

00:22:55.020 --> 00:23:04.699
Sarai Speer: justice is. My brain wants to go. When somebody bad has done something bad, they get a punishment like. That's the the basic sort of

00:23:04.990 --> 00:23:07.430
Sarai Speer: you know a version of it.

00:23:07.690 --> 00:23:10.610
Sarai Speer: And then, as we dive deeper, it's

00:23:11.750 --> 00:23:32.344
Sarai Speer: it's complex. It's like, you know, if you were to dig into the ground and look at all of the root systems of the tree, you would see not just one, but these root systems are tangled with each other. So I feel like this is justice. And this is me unpacking the definition of it. Yeah,

00:23:33.630 --> 00:23:40.509
Sarai Speer: it's it's there's no, there's no clear cut definition for me, because.

00:23:41.590 --> 00:23:44.829
Sarai Speer: you know, if we look at some of these

00:23:45.587 --> 00:23:58.759
Sarai Speer: let's say executive orders that aren't exactly. You know the laws yet. Some of these executive orders, even though people are following the the orders. Correct.

00:23:59.413 --> 00:24:06.369
Sarai Speer: Doesn't mean that they're bringing justice. It doesn't mean what they are doing is right.

00:24:06.750 --> 00:24:15.900
Sarai Speer: And so it's. I think one person could say justices following the law or listening to. You know the

00:24:16.730 --> 00:24:22.210
Sarai Speer: the hierarchy. And my definition is not that it's

00:24:25.580 --> 00:24:26.970
Sarai Speer: in a perfect world.

00:24:27.110 --> 00:24:34.309
Sarai Speer: equality for everyone. I don't give a fuck who you are. I don't give a fuck what you believe who you have sex with none of that like

00:24:34.410 --> 00:24:38.619
Sarai Speer: I am such a human person. And the other thing is.

00:24:38.740 --> 00:24:51.910
Sarai Speer: I don't have to like you to love you, cause. I don't, fucking like a lot of people, but genuinely as a human. I love you like I, fucking love you. My soul sees your soul. I love you

00:24:52.270 --> 00:24:55.790
Sarai Speer: so. The concept of justice for me is.

00:24:57.260 --> 00:25:06.240
Sarai Speer: it's not following the law to the letter. It's not listening to. You know your boss or the hierarchy. To me justice is when

00:25:06.480 --> 00:25:11.490
Sarai Speer: things are hate the word fair, when things are

00:25:13.160 --> 00:25:20.419
Sarai Speer: what is the word I'm looking for? It's not going to come to me. But when things feel right for that person.

00:25:22.600 --> 00:25:26.180
Sarai Speer: And I don't know how to like package it.

00:25:26.820 --> 00:25:29.759
Sarai Speer: and I don't know if I'm doing it justice.

00:25:30.930 --> 00:25:38.140
Sarai Speer: I see what I did there. Oh, God! Sorry! That wasn't even a purposeful one that was literally like whoops.

00:25:39.560 --> 00:25:47.839
Sarai Speer: It's this sense of again. It's not right or wrong. It is.

00:25:52.030 --> 00:26:01.089
Natalie P.: I have a vision. I have a vision of you draped in in a in a toga.

00:26:01.980 --> 00:26:06.339
Natalie P.: and you have a blindfold on, and you're holding

00:26:07.530 --> 00:26:10.800
Natalie P.: right and like trying to find

00:26:13.540 --> 00:26:18.549
Natalie P.: it's it's right. It's like to each their own.

00:26:19.040 --> 00:26:19.610
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:26:20.820 --> 00:26:21.450
Natalie P.: Like.

00:26:23.250 --> 00:26:30.510
Natalie P.: and I think even in you trying to unpack it like we pack so much into a word that we don't even have

00:26:31.100 --> 00:26:34.030
Natalie P.: things like the justice that

00:26:34.170 --> 00:26:46.469
Natalie P.: I pretend to pursue. That I would like to pursue doesn't fit the definite. You know. The the justice I remember is about law and order. Well, hold on! Who makes the law?

00:26:47.220 --> 00:26:57.040
Natalie P.: Well, the government? Well, who makes the government? Well, we do well who makes like like I keep on, and I'm like, Wait, hold up right.

00:26:57.970 --> 00:26:58.700
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:26:58.970 --> 00:27:04.749
Natalie P.: So justice is just a fucking word. 1st of all, I think.

00:27:05.460 --> 00:27:10.150
Natalie P.: and then it's it for me. It like, like, it's that.

00:27:11.950 --> 00:27:16.129
Natalie P.: Yeah, it's that true that true North, where

00:27:16.360 --> 00:27:32.619
Natalie P.: where we are taking care of people to the point they want to be taken care of, and their knowing comes from a place of know comes from a true place of knowing. Will we ever get there? I have no idea. That's not for me to know. Can I work towards

00:27:32.870 --> 00:27:48.500
Natalie P.: my understanding of justice to give people voice. Yes, absolutely. And I think that's the back end of this is that justice is a good thing to pursue. I think we should all dig into what we understand it to be.

00:27:50.330 --> 00:27:58.859
Natalie P.: especially right. Now let's revisit the word it. It gets thrown a lot. It gets thrown around a lot.

00:27:59.100 --> 00:27:59.660
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:28:01.090 --> 00:28:03.100
Natalie P.: So I don't know. Maybe a takeaway.

00:28:04.401 --> 00:28:09.660
Natalie P.: You, lifting back up out of that.

00:28:09.960 --> 00:28:29.989
Natalie P.: are like a content creating machine on Instagram. You are having so much fun like. I've only known you a year and change, and you've already transformed like 17 times, and it's flipping, brilliant, and I love it. And I talk to my phone. I'm like, Go, girl.

00:28:31.230 --> 00:28:39.400
Natalie P.: And then I'm like, I, I have like, Okay, I liked 3 in a row. Let's calm down. You don't want to be like that girl where you're just like.

00:28:39.400 --> 00:28:47.130
Sarai Speer: You do. Do be that girl. Okay, let's let's go back to what we said at the beginning. Be that girl okay, be that fucking girl. Yes.

00:28:47.130 --> 00:28:50.569
Sarai Speer: like be that girl who likes other girls posts without.

00:28:50.570 --> 00:28:52.000
Natalie P.: That is how. Thank you.

00:28:52.000 --> 00:28:54.999
Sarai Speer: Me. You're welcome. Little perspective.

00:28:59.053 --> 00:29:06.140
Natalie P.: Tell tell folks what you're up to, and how to get in touch with you. If you.

00:29:06.140 --> 00:29:09.346
Sarai Speer: We have another 45, 50 min that I could know.

00:29:10.980 --> 00:29:34.090
Sarai Speer: Well, I I think since the last time we talked I've officially retired from hair. I was in the hair industry. For 20 years I traveled the world. I did all the cool things, and and then I burnt out, and I have shifted my focus. And so now I never thought I would teach Yoga. I am a certified Yoga teacher. I am a certified meditation teacher. This stuff blows my own mind.

00:29:34.396 --> 00:29:53.370
Sarai Speer: So if you've been following me on my journey, you're like, Wow! And yes, I use the word fuck in my Yoga classes, because it's who the fuck I am. I have been. I got certified as a mental health coach as a life coach. I really knew a couple years ago that I wanted to help people on a deeper level

00:29:53.380 --> 00:29:57.220
Sarai Speer: like the hair was great, and the education and doing that was all fantastic. But

00:29:57.320 --> 00:30:14.130
Sarai Speer: I kept hearing a lot of the same things, and and it had nothing to do with pricing. It had nothing to do with you, not being able to create content. It came down to this like self love, this self worth this self Sabotage piece. And so I've spent the last 2 years really diving into that. And and

00:30:14.360 --> 00:30:30.820
Sarai Speer: along with that doing my own healing, doing my own evolving, really growing, really getting uncomfortable. And you know, in the last couple months I've had some really scary, at least scary to me. Revelations of

00:30:31.230 --> 00:30:38.249
Sarai Speer: things that I used to think were witchy or woo, or just like, too, outside the box for me. And now I'm like

00:30:38.700 --> 00:30:55.240
Sarai Speer: fucking. I'm channeling. I it's so. This is the 1st time I've talked about this publicly. So I'm a little nervous. I'm not gonna lie. I'm just gonna keep talking. I have channeled. I'm getting into tarot and palm reading. I'm really just doing things that

00:30:55.390 --> 00:31:13.889
Sarai Speer: make me feel good in this space, and I'm putting myself I'm doing a lot of self-care these days, which I didn't do any for like 40 fucking years, because I was on the hustle and grind train. And now I want to help women. I want to help women. I want to help women

00:31:14.270 --> 00:31:15.630
Sarai Speer: really

00:31:15.950 --> 00:31:35.170
Sarai Speer: find their power, because it's so hard in this world, and it gets lost. And we play these games and we play small. So I'm really just stepping into all of the modalities I'm trying things on and seeing what fits. And my husband the other day he was so funny because

00:31:35.620 --> 00:32:02.839
Sarai Speer: I was like Babe. I think I'm a witch, and he's like like a broom like, Get on a broom. And I'm like, No, like, you know, the really powerful women who were burned at the stake, and people said they were witches. I was like, I don't think I'm gonna like, you know, cast a spell on you, but I'm a fucking witch like I'm just gonna own this. And I'm a goddess, and I'm a weirdo and all the things. So this is a really really cool time in my life, like I'm I'm getting to do all of these

00:32:03.080 --> 00:32:32.860
Sarai Speer: beautiful things that I never I never saw myself doing this. I didn't imagine I would show up to a podcast ever in my life with the giant, sparkly unicorn horn on, I'm really embracing my feminine energy. I'm embracing just the present moment, the present moment being around beautiful people, you know. I hosted a retreat. Earlier this year. I went to a retreat earlier this year. I've made some really amazing connections. And I've turned my

00:32:32.860 --> 00:33:01.939
Sarai Speer: a community that used to be only hair education. It was all hair videos, and it used to be called balance stylist society, and I rebranded it to the anti hustle collective because we are getting out of that fucking hard hustle and grind, and we are learning to put ourselves Now, anti hustle does not mean that I don't work, and that I don't work hard. It just means that there is. I'm putting myself. First, st I'm having boundaries. I'm using my voice. I'm opening my throat. Chakra.

00:33:01.960 --> 00:33:17.380
Sarai Speer: So I've got this beautiful community online. And I'm getting ready to create another community that is more of a healing community. Yep, I have not talked about that either. Online. I'm really excited for it. Because again, it's

00:33:17.420 --> 00:33:37.028
Sarai Speer: these are things that I'm like this would have been helpful for me. I wish I had this. I wish I had this, and so I'm like, fuck it. So I create like this is what you do. You're a fucking artist like you create, you create these spaces, and you know that famous line. If you build it, they will come. I just hold on to that with hope. So I I don't.

00:33:37.710 --> 00:33:55.160
Sarai Speer: I don't know what the future holds for me. I'm just enjoying the ride right now. I've got a couple speaking gigs booked for this year. I'm teaching at a goddess retreat for my friends. I'm speaking to Hairstylist in Miami. So I've got things here and there, but I'm just kind of like

00:33:55.610 --> 00:34:16.349
Sarai Speer: I'm I'm letting ease into my life. I'm letting flow into my life. I'm really leaning into that feminine energy this year and just going with the flow. This is, I think, this is the 1st year that I haven't had, like 800 goals and checked half of them off by now. And just really, you know.

00:34:16.389 --> 00:34:25.495
Sarai Speer: I'm pulling back. I'm pulling back on the reins. And I'm like, okay, we'll get there when we get there, and I don't even know where the fuck there is. So right.

00:34:25.920 --> 00:34:40.040
Natalie P.: Well, I'm sitting here watching you and feeling you, and like even just in the short time I've known you, you've transformed. And of course you know that about yourself. If I think about even just my own self the 1st time I talk to you, you know, it's

00:34:40.420 --> 00:34:45.500
Natalie P.: man. It's it's it's a trip, and

00:34:46.010 --> 00:34:54.783
Natalie P.: I to witness it is a really special thing to see just another human, you know.

00:34:58.400 --> 00:35:12.960
Natalie P.: pull it like it's almost like there's a string. There's days when I feel like there's a rope, there's a cord pulling me into the next, you know. Crazy idea right? And and if I?

00:35:13.431 --> 00:35:27.370
Natalie P.: If I jump in the shower full transparency, I can get that. I got to go in with a dry erase marker because I can get that pull. I can get that creative energy out of me onto the shower wall. And.

00:35:28.070 --> 00:35:33.540
Natalie P.: as you're saying, taking the to-do list, though from that.

00:35:33.750 --> 00:35:46.880
Natalie P.: away from a jam packed page of tiny little boxes that are insurmountable, and I'll never get it done to. Here's an idea. Go with the flow with this, and then, like

00:35:49.220 --> 00:36:01.099
Natalie P.: for control, freaks, for perfectionists, for people, pleasers for any of those of us that have, like imposters, people recovering from all of the bosoms, and all of this.

00:36:02.320 --> 00:36:04.700
Natalie P.: This is a big deal.

00:36:05.090 --> 00:36:23.459
Sarai Speer: Huge. I'm a recovering people pleaser. I'm a recovering perfectionist. I'm a recovering workaholic like I get it, because 2 years ago, if you'd have, said Sarai. This is where you'd be. I'd be like, Go fuck yourself like, yeah, no, no, you're crazy. And yet here I am, leaning into that space. Because

00:36:23.490 --> 00:36:36.670
Sarai Speer: you know what here's here's the deal, Natalie. I tried. I tried fitting in the boxes. I tried checking off the things I got, the things I got the cars. I got the house, I got the money I got, the I got I got I got, and I didn't

00:36:36.970 --> 00:36:38.060
Sarai Speer: feel

00:36:38.970 --> 00:36:54.719
Sarai Speer: joy. I felt exhausted. I felt stuck dry. I felt like fuck. I gotta keep going, because now they got a new car and I got to get a new car and they got more fun. I gotta. I was stuck on that train. And so the concept of.

00:36:54.940 --> 00:37:02.009
Sarai Speer: you know, do less. To do more has always been lost on me. I'm like that is the dumbest shit I've ever heard

00:37:02.760 --> 00:37:05.460
Sarai Speer: until it clicked.

00:37:06.680 --> 00:37:24.099
Sarai Speer: And you know, my my integrator, she does all my back end stuff like the systems and things that I'm like. I don't know. She's always told me we've been working together for a little over a year, and she's like less is more, less, is more. And I'm like, no more is more bitch like more is fucking more.

00:37:24.480 --> 00:37:29.132
Sarai Speer: I know I'm like, okay, Lauren. You were right. I was wrong.

00:37:30.240 --> 00:37:58.100
Sarai Speer: So it is. I get like, if you're listening to this, and you're like, Oh, but I couldn't. I could trust me. I understand that completely. And this is not Natalie. You know this has not happened overnight. I didn't wake up one morning. Go. I'm just gonna let everything flow, and I don't care. No, I still care, and I still try to hold on to control. And then I have to go. Okay. But like back off a little. Maybe if you just ease up like 15% girl like, okay.

00:37:58.140 --> 00:38:07.940
Sarai Speer: this is a process. It's a process of letting go. It's a process of remembering for me, remembering who I am, you know, and for me it's always been this.

00:38:08.020 --> 00:38:15.799
Sarai Speer: this fun, goofy, silly, dancing, singing, just full of life, human.

00:38:15.940 --> 00:38:36.460
Sarai Speer: And I've gotten back in touch with her. And I'm like cool. So what we want to do today is we want to put jewels on her face. And we want to dance in the front yard, and you know who knows where an idea will come from like I was in the bath the other day. It's where I do my best thinking. And I got this idea, this download, and I was like, yep, this is my next thing.

00:38:36.580 --> 00:38:41.520
Sarai Speer: Had I tried to force that with that masculine fire energy.

00:38:41.700 --> 00:38:56.720
Sarai Speer: But it just it came to me like a little mermaid. It just came to me in my bathtub, and I was like this, is it? This is the next thing we're going to do. And my idea for my book came to me in the bath, and I'm like, Here we go. Here we go! Here we go. So I understand. If that concept

00:38:57.250 --> 00:39:04.110
Sarai Speer: hits a little different like I can't let go. I can't. I get it. It's it's little bits at a time, little bits at a time.

00:39:04.110 --> 00:39:08.219
Natalie P.: I have a new friend that says subtle shifts, very subtle shifts.

00:39:08.320 --> 00:39:30.630
Natalie P.: And yeah, I mean, let's a shout out to like what's in between the lines here is that we all have a precious divine masculine in each of us, and what we're trying to do is find a beautiful balance between, and and knowing what a situation calls for, that is in line with who we are, and I invite, like

00:39:30.950 --> 00:39:34.849
Natalie P.: anybody listening divine, all of us.

00:39:35.270 --> 00:39:51.919
Natalie P.: each of us divine in our own ways, like if it hits home, if it if it lights a fire in you, I like, if it gets you agitty about something I would adore hearing from people like, I love that. And you know.

00:39:52.790 --> 00:40:09.659
Natalie P.: if today is international Women's Day, you know, what can we go? Do. We can go talk about these 2 crazy women that we just saw on live. And they're talking about this feminine stuff. Go talk about us for the love of all things sacred. Don't, don't! Don't stop like. Keep thinking about it.

00:40:09.660 --> 00:40:23.630
Natalie P.: Keep thinking about it. Keep being curious about this shit, being curious about your femininity. What the hell is femininity? What the hell is! Get curious! I'll talk about. I won't try and convert you, I promise. Why am I? No, I won't.

00:40:24.680 --> 00:40:29.510
Natalie P.: I'm going to wear sparkles on my face after this. That's not conversion, that is, support.

00:40:29.700 --> 00:40:30.520
Sarai Speer: Yes.

00:40:30.520 --> 00:40:36.710
Natalie P.: That is my mirror reflecting the beauty in front of me. And you know, my gosh, just like

00:40:36.870 --> 00:40:43.950
Natalie P.: if we leave the day with anything. Just you know, fuel, fuel, love. Love is in the tank.

00:40:44.880 --> 00:40:47.409
Natalie P.: Love is in the tank.

00:40:47.870 --> 00:40:57.059
Natalie P.: and we're doing things from a heart space. And we're fueling this crazy concept I have of an algorithm of love. No matter

00:40:57.470 --> 00:41:01.630
Natalie P.: if we're online or in bed, or what if.

00:41:01.990 --> 00:41:02.560
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:41:02.770 --> 00:41:09.659
Natalie P.: Right. So thank you for thinking out loud with me, you cool human, you.

00:41:09.660 --> 00:41:21.520
Sarai Speer: Natalie. Thank you. Honestly, I just love our conversations. I never know where they're gonna go. I'm so glad I don't, because, you know, I would have, I would have pre scripted things. That's the burden.

00:41:22.540 --> 00:41:28.939
Natalie P.: You're so smart, you are so stinking smart. Don't script your shit.

00:41:29.210 --> 00:41:31.239
Sarai Speer: Thank you. Thank you.

00:41:31.680 --> 00:41:37.920
Natalie P.: I'm talking. I'm talking to you. I'm talking. No, don't like you are so smart.

00:41:40.550 --> 00:41:47.089
Natalie P.: Yeah, like, I see you and I I celebrate with you. Yeah, my heart to yours, sister. Yeah.

00:41:47.090 --> 00:41:49.599
Sarai Speer: I feel it. I feel it. I'm getting a little tears.

00:41:49.600 --> 00:41:51.140
Natalie P.: Sure. Yeah.

00:41:51.360 --> 00:41:52.649
Sarai Speer: Thank you honestly.

00:41:52.650 --> 00:41:58.529
Natalie P.: And let's go. Make, let's go help. Women love each other, and and our and and themselves. And let's.

00:41:58.530 --> 00:41:59.190
Sarai Speer: Yeah.

00:41:59.190 --> 00:42:00.580
Natalie P.: To be a part of that like.

00:42:00.580 --> 00:42:08.069
Sarai Speer: Absolutely. And you know what, Natalie, I'm so glad you said that because it starts with ourselves, it starts with ourselves.

00:42:08.380 --> 00:42:14.820
Sarai Speer: loving and accepting ourselves and for me. I think this is going to be a lifelong journey, I think, for most of us.

00:42:14.820 --> 00:42:15.650
Natalie P.: I'm here for it.

00:42:15.650 --> 00:42:21.580
Sarai Speer: Wholly, unconditionally love ourselves, you know. Before we go. Can I share one big thing.

00:42:21.580 --> 00:42:22.500
Natalie P.: Yes, please.

00:42:22.500 --> 00:42:24.200
Sarai Speer: Okay. So I

00:42:24.770 --> 00:42:34.690
Sarai Speer: I had this moment the other day, and as someone who's had an Ed disorder for for 30 years of her life, and always tried to, you know, and all these other addictions, drug and alcohol. And Yada Yada.

00:42:36.210 --> 00:42:51.409
Sarai Speer: I've never thought I would be able to look at my body especially unclothed, and go, damn girl like you look good. Or the other day I got out of the bathtub, and my body is nowhere near as as small as it once used to be in, because I'm in recovery.

00:42:51.760 --> 00:42:57.369
Sarai Speer: And I looked at myself, and I turned around. I looked at my booty, and I was like bet bitch God, you look good.

00:42:57.560 --> 00:43:04.590
Sarai Speer: and I was like, Oh, my God, Sarai, did you? Just? Yes, I was like.

00:43:04.590 --> 00:43:05.729
Natalie P.: You did.

00:43:06.220 --> 00:43:13.510
Sarai Speer: And it's but it's years of work of like. Instead of saying, Oh, you look fat today. It's like, Okay.

00:43:13.750 --> 00:43:30.859
Sarai Speer: you look beautiful. You look beautiful. It's like all this reprogramming, and for me to have that moment I was like, Oh, my God, this is amazing! And no, don't get me wrong. I don't think every day I'm the hottest bitch on the planet, but every day you know what I do. I love myself. I accept myself.

00:43:30.860 --> 00:43:50.270
Sarai Speer: and it doesn't mean that I can't want to make changes to myself. It means that unconditionally. I know I am a bad, fucking bitch. I'm an amazing bitch with a big old fucking heart and a foul, fucking mouth, and I love me, and I accept me for that. So self acceptance is one of the biggest

00:43:50.280 --> 00:44:06.559
Sarai Speer: lessons, I think, that we women can learn, and then we don't hold on to that. We give other women that we give them the permission to explore that space, we give them the support that they need, so that self-love piece. Oh.

00:44:06.590 --> 00:44:17.870
Sarai Speer: it's so good, it's so good! And as someone who never thought she would find it bitch. I'm here, and I love it, and I want to sprinkle it on everybody now, because it feels so good.

00:44:18.312 --> 00:44:20.969
Natalie P.: We're gonna leave with some sprinkle.

00:44:20.970 --> 00:44:26.690
Natalie P.: Yeah sprinkles, or, as my friend Britt calls it, sparkle magic, sparkle magic.

00:44:28.330 --> 00:44:36.960
Natalie P.: I adore you. I'll see you. Next time we'll go live without even I'll just. I'll just phone. I'll just live. You.

00:44:37.090 --> 00:44:40.239
Sarai Speer: Perfect, you know. I'm down anytime, anytime.

00:44:40.470 --> 00:44:49.219
Natalie P.: Love it. Thanks for being here happy. International Women's Day. I am. I'm excited that you're a woman in my life. Yeah, for sure.

00:44:49.260 --> 00:44:51.219
Sarai Speer: Thank you.

00:44:51.640 --> 00:44:52.640
Natalie P.: Thanks, everybody.

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