Think Out Loud With Me
Hi friends! Welcome to THINK OUT LOUD WITH ME, a chat-cast produced, hosted, and humbly offered by yours truly, Natalie P., from my neck of the woods to YOU…in YOURS. I’m taking full advantage of a Universally-accepted, irrevocable license to be curious, and held by every single one of us to engage others in constructive and enlightening conversation.
After years of internal chatter, silent suffering, and physical and mental close calls, I was exhausted keeping it all together by myself. THINK OUT LOUD WITH ME is a search for Self, and a celebration of clarity, connection, community, and congruence I discover in the stories and perspectives and beauty of others in search of the same.
If I help you find your voice…ignite your curiosity…nudge you just a bit in your own favor…well, shit. I’d like that. I’d like that a LOT.
Thanks for listening.
Think Out Loud With Me
E48: TOLWM + Carolini Arco x In Pursuit of Personal Sovereignty
Join me for an insightful discussion with the wonderful Carolini Arco about personal growth, resilience in times of change, the significance of evolving our mindsets—particularly regarding money—and the transformative power of gratitude. This inspiring spiritual mentor shares, "If we knew how immensely valuable we are, we wouldn’t waste a minute in doubt or regret.” More topics include:
• Embracing the journey of change
• Supporting the vision of Heaven on Earth
• Calling bullshit on the old business paradigm
• Understanding your relationship with money
• Pursuing personal sovereignty
• Sparking waves of change and gratitude
Carolini is based in Brazil, and you can explore her ideas, offerings, and community online at:
Ooh! Send me a text! How fun is that?!
Like you, I'm a beautiful work in progress! WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | LINKEDIN Get in touch!
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Natalie P.: Hello, beautiful humans! You are here to think out loud with me. I am Natalie Peterson, casting in from my little neck of the woods in northern Colorado, to you in yours, wherever and whenever that might be.
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Natalie P.: This little digital adventure is my way of turning years of internal chatter and wondering.
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Natalie P.: silent suffering and physical and mental close calls
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Natalie P.: into enlightening and empowering conversations with others.
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Natalie P.: The sun is rising on a beautiful day.
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Natalie P.: It's fall, and it's the kind of fall day that I
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Natalie P.: sort of maybe okay, absolutely
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Natalie P.: 100%. I adore these types of days. I woke to the air being chilly, and after wrapping myself in my robe, I actually turned the fireplace on for the 1st time of the season. And yes, it is going to be 90 degrees today on the flip side. But last night it flirted with the thirties.
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Natalie P.: and that is a cry for Cozy in my book. So I went ahead and flipped that switch
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Natalie P.: and sat by the fire this morning, and did my did my morning routine, and and leaned into the day in front of me.
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Natalie P.: speaking of changing seasons, I'm eyeball deep in one of my own. And
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Natalie P.: as I approach the big
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Natalie P.: 5 0 of my life and my 50th trip around the sun. I'm
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Natalie P.: I'm in this mode of of wonder around change. And I receive a daily email from
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Natalie P.: one of my teachers. And actually, this morning it was interesting. It's always like she's synced up with my own. And she offered a reflection of of the concept of change.
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Natalie P.: I want to read it to you
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Natalie P.: change.
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Natalie P.: It's as common as our breath.
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Natalie P.: We experience it daily in big and small ways. Traffic lights, change, addresses, change. People change problems change.
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Natalie P.: You'd think that we'd be accepting of change with all of our life experience in that area. But the truth is, most of us resist change because change around us activates change within us.
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Natalie P.: Change requires us to make choices.
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Natalie P.: and the ability to choose is a great gift.
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Natalie P.: And then she asks, how would your life be different. If you recognize change as an opportunity to choose what you will do next.
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Natalie P.: Allow change to be empowering.
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Natalie P.: I can honestly say that change doesn't scare me anymore. In fact, I mean, I get a little jumpy, and I and I and I experience nerves. But it's more nerves of anticipation. It's really not fear that I feel
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Natalie P.: and and it's curious to me, entering the season of of change in my own life.
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Natalie P.: And and the the feelings of of what's next? The excitement around? What's next?
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Natalie P.: The idea that
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Natalie P.: I could be whoever I want to be
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Natalie P.: in this next chapter.
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Natalie P.: It's fascinating to me. I want to talk about this concept and talk about what it means to change
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Natalie P.: our inner worlds and to branch out into massive worlds new dimensions with my guest today she's joining me from. I didn't ask her to
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Natalie P.: to pronounce this one for me. Florianapolis.
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Natalie P.: Santa Caterina Brazil.
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Natalie P.: Carolina Arco
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Natalie P.: is a full-time healer.
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Natalie P.: She's a manifester, she's a teacher, she's a mentor.
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Natalie P.: and I encountered her in a networking space that she and I share called her nation. I've I've mentioned her nation in several casts.
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Natalie P.: I saw her on my screen, and wondered at her energy
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Natalie P.: and her softness, and I was drawn to connect with her and learn more about her. Her own magic comes to life in
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Natalie P.: one on one consultations with with clients. I don't want to call them consultations, because, as I've gotten to know her
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Natalie P.: through her different online profiles. I think it's it's much more than a consultation. It it seems to be a journey, a Co. Journey, a co-author journey.
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Natalie P.: She conducts ceremonies, classes, and other personal development programs
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Natalie P.: designed to raise the frequency
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Natalie P.: and empower individuals to. And these are her words facilitate radical and lasting transformation.
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Natalie P.: Carolini, I am incredibly grateful to have you piping in from Brazil on this beautiful morning. It's a couple hours
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Natalie P.: ahead where you are welcome to think out loud with me. I'm incredibly excited to do that with you and say, Hi! To folks.
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Carolini Arco: Oh, my gosh, thank you so much for welcoming Natalie, and thank you for bringing me into the beautiful, crisp fall morning. I was right there with you. I basically like saw the leaves falling into the ground.
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Carolini Arco: So thank you for the nice warm hug to my heart.
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Natalie P.: Yes, absolutely. That is, it's a heart hug right
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Natalie P.: your season over there before we hit record. You are in the spring season in Brazil, and
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Natalie P.: and just came off a yummy storm and and some some powerful energy moving around you. And
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Natalie P.: I was hoping to use that kind of as a launch pad for thinking about. This idea of change with me and
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Natalie P.: just what
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Natalie P.: you know.
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Natalie P.: What is it about our world we talked. There's there's an intensity going on in our world.
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Natalie P.: around just life in general. Here in the in the United States. There's
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Natalie P.: I. Intensity is a nice word to describe the things going on here. But on a global stage there's there's a level of intensity that has people
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Natalie P.: some folks on edge.
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Natalie P.: Some folks
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Natalie P.: scared?
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Natalie P.: What's your experience? Or can you describe
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Natalie P.: the change and the intensity that's going on in our world right now from from your perspective.
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Carolini Arco: so as you so briefly introduced me, I'm a spiritual teacher. Right which means that I work with beings that are beyond this veil. And this has been an experience that I've had since very early in life. As as early as 7 years old I started receiving messages from
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Carolini Arco: different kinds of consciousness that were more expanded than our own.
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Carolini Arco: And I remember when I was around, I would say 18 to 19 years old.
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Carolini Arco: I received this very clear message that we were in a time of immense transformation in the planet.
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Carolini Arco: and that this transformation would come with destruction. It would come with that.
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Carolini Arco: and it was something for humans to learn how to master
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Carolini Arco: this ability to navigate
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Carolini Arco: the intensity of life, the rich facets that life brought, and at the time. Of course, you know, there was no Internet, there was no Instagram, so it was very much like a personal experience. Now we have so many people talking about it, which is lovely.
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Carolini Arco: but that really guided my life, and the way that I have
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Carolini Arco: sing
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Carolini Arco: and related to intensity in different moments of change through my life.
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Carolini Arco: And I think what we're experiencing right now is we're understanding that
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Carolini Arco: life is very multidimensional. We can't just operate from the mind alone anymore. It's not going to work.
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Carolini Arco: but also operating from the body alone anymore, is not going to work, but also operating from heart and spirit alone is not going to work.
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Carolini Arco: There's an integration that is happening, and that integration is requiring us to fill it all.
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Carolini Arco: all of it.
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Carolini Arco: And I feel like a big challenge for humans is to allow ourselves to feel
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Carolini Arco: it's almost like we're comfortable
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Carolini Arco: with certain levels of feeling. I'm comfortable feeling happy until this point
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Carolini Arco: after that is wrong. I'm comfortable, feeling sad or expressing sadness until that point
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Carolini Arco: after that is wrong, and we're pushing beyond our boundaries of that.
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Carolini Arco: To actually become
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Carolini Arco: open enough that life can run through us with its intense emotions, with its
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Carolini Arco: every constant change, it can actually flow through us
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Carolini Arco: without the resistance that he has been encountering so often. So I think what we're seeing in the collective space and individually, for many of us is.
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Carolini Arco: we're we're finding that edge where
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Carolini Arco: I am not open to go there anymore. That resistance point. We're finding a resistance point for ourselves.
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Carolini Arco: and that is coming in this form of depression that is coming in the form of anxiety that's coming in the form of
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Carolini Arco: immense, like neurotic fear.
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Carolini Arco: And we are being asked to go further.
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Carolini Arco: Are you going to push through that? Are you actually gonna learn how to find safety
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Carolini Arco: in the bigness
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Carolini Arco: of that emotion of that change?
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Natalie P.: As you're as you're speaking, I think.
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Natalie P.: regardless
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Natalie P.: of
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Natalie P.: the
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Natalie P.: actually no, it it isn't regardless of, because that that's too sweeping a term.
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Natalie P.: We are conditioned to resist. We have been conditioned to resist.
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Natalie P.: and the the
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Natalie P.: though there have been
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Natalie P.: those in front of us, and and even you from a young age without the Internet, without the input of, you know, comparing ourselves and
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Natalie P.: and and just this influx of information and and
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Natalie P.: influence
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Natalie P.: that
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Natalie P.: breaking through conditioning
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Natalie P.: is such a monumental task. And
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Natalie P.: I'm not making a lot of sense here, except to say that
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Natalie P.: it's going to take there. There are those that have been on a journey.
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Natalie P.: multiple journeys, multiple lives of of transformation that are steps in front of us that are teaching and mentoring and pulling this concept of
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Natalie P.: reaching past the edge
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Natalie P.: and and and and pushing, not pushing, because that feels forceful, but leaning into the discomfort of change and intensity to find out
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Natalie P.: what that emotion is that they're feeling, and
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Natalie P.: to go down a layer to find out where that emotion bubbled up from and go down even a further layer and find out if if there's
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Natalie P.: a story that they could question, and then go down another layer to find out if there's a connection to the person sitting beside them. That's similar going down. Another connection, another layer to find out
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Natalie P.: that Carolina, in Brazil and Natalie in Colorado are, in fact, one of the same energy
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Natalie P.: at our very basis.
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Natalie P.: like I think I just blew my own mind.
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Carolini Arco: I saw that.
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Natalie P.: Did you see it?
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Natalie P.: Maybe I had
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Natalie P.: either one too many cups of coffee this morning or or not enough. But I'm
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Natalie P.: I'm just thinking, I guess, where it came from and listening to you is, I'm thinking of you as a small child and receiving this input and this, this intelligence coming to you. And then, were you, were you driven to share? Were you? Because.
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Natalie P.: you know.
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Natalie P.: like
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Natalie P.: we've had so much influence by the Internet and so much influence by this online connection that we almost can't remember what it was like not to be disconnected. Right? And so I'm just. I'm imagining you with this intelligence and knowing. And then, as a young adult like, there is some big shit coming down.
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Natalie P.: Yeah, we've got to get. I have to get ready.
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Natalie P.: Yeah, I'm in a place of
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Natalie P.: leadership.
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Carolini Arco: Yes.
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Carolini Arco: that's.
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Natalie P.: Huge.
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Carolini Arco: Yeah.
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Carolini Arco: yeah.
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Natalie P.: What was that experience like as a young person to have that kind of knowing? Is there? Are there words to describe it?
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Carolini Arco: It has been an intense experience. My whole life journey has been an experience of intensity. Because, yeah, I think when you are as early as 7, and you have these messages around purpose and mission and big things in the world.
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Carolini Arco: You can't comprehend what it means, and it feels like pressure. There's an there's an element of pressure that does not feel good is
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Carolini Arco: a sense of responsibility that
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Carolini Arco: it's too high
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Carolini Arco: for a young person to hold.
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Natalie P.: So.
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Carolini Arco: I have definitely, it has definitely been an intense experience for me, and there has definitely been a lot of resistance in my path.
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Carolini Arco: and I had to go through the journey of
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Carolini Arco: denying it for a very long time, until denying it
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Carolini Arco: became an amount of suffering that was unbearable.
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Carolini Arco: So I had to accept it. And
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Carolini Arco: when I accepted
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Carolini Arco: it's not that it became easier per se. It's still intense, but you know my life really helped, because I started manifesting all the resources that I need in order to create that mission, to see that coming forth, and so
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Carolini Arco: that have obviously made things easier on, like a very basic environmental level, to be able to fulfill this mission, to go. Go ahead with this mission. But it is a big task that we have ahead of us, I think, for all of us, because we are in this moment of
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Carolini Arco: massive change. We are birthing the new earth. As you said, I think that's such a beautiful example. We were the last generations that were born before the Internet. We've experienced a shift
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Carolini Arco: that I don't think we acknowledge the grandness of once the Internet came on in an in a level
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Carolini Arco: very intuitive level. We understood that we're not alone anymore. We understood the concept of interconnectedness, this whole like mind blowing moment that you had
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Carolini Arco: very similar to that right, the Internet gave us an opportunity to actually understand. Wow!
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Carolini Arco: I'm not separate from Africa. I'm not separate from Brazil, and the Us, like all of it, is one, and we can
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Carolini Arco: interact with each other in real time. Instantaneously
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Carolini Arco: it. It created a rupture in the human consciousness that made us evolve
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Carolini Arco: beyond what we have been before. Right like we're we're in a process of evolution like biological evolution, our brains are evolving to having to deal with this immense amount of information per minute.
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Carolini Arco: And so I think we are all in this process of having to honor the responsibility
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Carolini Arco: that we have right now
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Carolini Arco: with these new tools, with this new awareness, that yes, things are intense. Yes, change is coming, and should be asking ourselves, Well, who do I want to be?
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Carolini Arco: I made change. Do I want to be the one that is scared in the corner, and is complaining, or like banging against the wall, because I hate this so much, and I wish it wasn't happening. It's their fault and their fault and their fault right like.
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Carolini Arco: do I want to be that? Or do I want to be the one that's like, okay. This responsibility was given to me in this lifetime, so I will take it.
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Carolini Arco: and I will go into the fields like chest open. This is what I stand for. This is what I'm creating from here. This is what I'm alchemizing. All this fear of change.
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Natalie P.: Hmm.
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Carolini Arco: Into
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Carolini Arco: which I think is the biggest opportunity, and it's not that one is easier and the other is harder. I think both of these options
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Carolini Arco: will perhaps be equally as hard.
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Carolini Arco: But when we are living in purpose there is an an inner knowing
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Carolini Arco: that we're we're safe through it all.
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Natalie P.: We might.
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Carolini Arco: Afraid in some level or another. But there's an inner knowing that we're safe. I think that's why you were talking about. If
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Carolini Arco: I mean this big process of change turning 50, and I can feel the excitement for the change. But there's also a certainty that
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Carolini Arco: I'm safe through it all.
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Carolini Arco: An exciting time.
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Carolini Arco: though, is intense, is an exciting time.
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Carolini Arco: Yeah, what do you think.
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Natalie P.: I think that there's like yes, and like, when you get to a place where you have
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Natalie P.: if I think about a whole nother
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Natalie P.: like
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Natalie P.: 50 years
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Natalie P.: peasy
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Natalie P.: like. Now the the perspective. If we come into this life with with perspective, and we choose, you know,
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Natalie P.: and then on this planet in this form, receiving even more perspective through the the
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Natalie P.: the the series of being a a very young person
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Natalie P.: being a young adult, the the craziness of of everything, from puberty to, you know, coming of age and and and breaking out, and being on your own to
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Natalie P.: the
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Natalie P.: interesting
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Natalie P.: like journey of finding an identity.
00:18:54.308 --> 00:19:02.560
Natalie P.: deciding. No, I don't want to be that, and going in a whole different direction, pissing everybody off blowing. Shit up because you
00:19:03.880 --> 00:19:08.200
Natalie P.: can, and hot, whatever right addiction.
00:19:08.350 --> 00:19:09.850
Natalie P.: depression
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Natalie P.: journeys back from your, from from dark places, and to a place now to to be at kind of a crossroads and and a change, a place of change.
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Natalie P.: And I. And I'm saying all this feeling like, there's a parallel with.
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Natalie P.: yeah, the larger the larger world that we're sitting on where it's like, okay, we have all this perspective.
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Natalie P.: And now we have all this connection. And now what are we gonna do with it? And those of us that are compelled to be on the front line, who are turned around with our hands extended, saying, Grab my hand, I've got you
00:19:48.996 --> 00:19:52.609
Natalie P.: are very much in a place of
00:19:55.790 --> 00:20:02.400
Natalie P.: as a place of safety and an anchor, but also in a place of of knowing and connection to
00:20:03.870 --> 00:20:10.770
Natalie P.: to what's possible and very much needed. And I've got a really sloppy segue here
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Natalie P.: to think about, because I do want to get to this about your own. You've talked a couple times about being on a on on a mission.
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Natalie P.: You're on a a mission to if I'm right, I'm recalling right? So opening conversations
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Natalie P.: as a teacher and a mentor and a coach.
00:20:34.250 --> 00:20:45.489
Natalie P.: Opening conversations around the future of of who you are, and and as a representative of the coaching, mentoring
00:20:45.910 --> 00:20:47.270
Natalie P.: industry.
00:20:48.295 --> 00:20:51.574
Natalie P.: Speaking of conditioned resistance. Right?
00:20:52.630 --> 00:21:01.010
Natalie P.: that there's always been a way that this not always. But there's been a way this has worked and that that there's there's a there's a disconnect between
00:21:01.070 --> 00:21:11.399
Natalie P.: the economy of you know. Trading. Here's my dollars for my service rendered that there's a disconnect there. That you're trying to
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Natalie P.: that. You're opening conversations around. And I I just, I want to get into that realm and your thinking around
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Natalie P.: mentorship and leadership in the space that you're in.
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Carolini Arco: Beautiful. Yeah. So I would say that my grander mission is really to support the advancement of humanity as a whole, and
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Carolini Arco: is what some people call the new Golden Age of humanity right? There's there's different names for it, I call it heaven on the earth is
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Carolini Arco: supporting the possibility of that becoming a lived reality for everybody.
00:21:45.700 --> 00:21:56.200
Carolini Arco: and that includes accessing our inner resources and certain abilities that have been hidden or not explored, such as the ability of manifestation channeling. You know many, many.
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Carolini Arco: many beautiful gifts in that sense, and within that bigger mission, I think the coaching industry sort of became one segment of that, because I have been an active part of the coaching industry for the last almost 8 years now.
00:22:10.640 --> 00:22:13.369
Carolini Arco: And I have been the kind of person who was
00:22:14.500 --> 00:22:21.969
Carolini Arco: lucky enough to be able to say that this is what I do, for a living right like this is what sustains me. This is what allows me to buy my home like I,
00:22:22.300 --> 00:22:29.789
Carolini Arco: I make my income and my resources by doing something that is completely connected to my heart, that I deeply adore.
00:22:29.940 --> 00:22:35.440
Carolini Arco: and that is completely out of the conditioning patterns that the world has put us in.
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Carolini Arco: and what I've seen in the coaching industry was
00:22:42.200 --> 00:22:44.959
Carolini Arco: was quite disappointing, I think, for all
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Carolini Arco: from all sides it was disappointing as clients. It was disappointing as mentors.
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Carolini Arco: But what I think the biggest message, and why I think this mission is so important to me is because I see that the mentors that
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Carolini Arco: the coaches, the teachers, they are the leaders of the new earth because we understand the concept of leadership, and we have accepted that role
00:23:07.530 --> 00:23:09.309
Carolini Arco: in one way or another. So
00:23:09.480 --> 00:23:17.870
Carolini Arco: the way that we lead inside the coaching industry gets to be an example for how new parroting leadership looks like in the world as a whole.
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Carolini Arco: And one of the big pieces that I think that is, still needs to be
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Carolini Arco: rewrite, disconnected. The condition somehow that I don't have all the answers for. But I'm willing to explore with people
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Carolini Arco: is that when we try to put like mentorship coaching leadership into a business model, it feels like it misses something.
00:23:38.650 --> 00:24:05.310
Carolini Arco: It's almost. It's almost like we put a middle man. So I hope I'm explaining myself writing to this. So we before there's an energy of you know I'm the mentor. I'm the guide. I'm the teacher, and you are the main team, the students. And we have this like natural flow, this natural exchange, between ourselves, it's natural that I'm going to give, and I'm going to receive. And this just happens right then it seems like the moment that we put a business in the middle of this
00:24:06.860 --> 00:24:21.540
Carolini Arco: it became a lot more complicated than it needed to be, because it suddenly wasn't about like me. And you just receiving it was me, the business. And you. And now you have to interact with the business and not with me. And so the business has, you know, all these business boundaries and what's right and what's wrong and
00:24:23.310 --> 00:24:25.679
Carolini Arco: I think we missed the essence
00:24:25.710 --> 00:24:27.489
Carolini Arco: of this natural
00:24:27.670 --> 00:24:33.610
Carolini Arco: flow of exchange that yes, we'll produce financial resources.
00:24:33.690 --> 00:24:35.180
Carolini Arco: Naturally.
00:24:37.120 --> 00:24:54.470
Carolini Arco: but we missed the S. We missed the essence of it when we like. Went into the business world. When we tried to put this into the business world. So a part of my mission and my conversation is, how do we actually innovate from here? How can we stand strongly in. I am the kind of person who is creating sacred resources
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Carolini Arco: through my gifts
00:24:56.400 --> 00:24:57.490
Carolini Arco: and
00:24:57.710 --> 00:25:01.750
Carolini Arco: the structures through which that service is held
00:25:02.390 --> 00:25:04.100
Carolini Arco: get to look different.
00:25:04.280 --> 00:25:08.559
Carolini Arco: They get to come from a hard place they get to be from a different place.
00:25:09.220 --> 00:25:14.979
Carolini Arco: That's not necessarily what the business paradigm has been so far, you know, creating a new paradigm.
00:25:16.740 --> 00:25:25.620
Carolini Arco: Yeah, because I know that what gets us, you know, stuck is the money piece, like, yeah, I think any conversations, Natalie. I don't know how deep you want to go into his. Of course I can go so deeper into this. But
00:25:25.710 --> 00:25:31.249
Carolini Arco: I've been in conversations with the most incredible leaders, you know, like very aware people.
00:25:32.440 --> 00:25:40.659
Carolini Arco: we think like great ideas and everything. And the moment that the money piece comes into the room it's like everybody like shuts down.
00:25:40.920 --> 00:25:47.759
Carolini Arco: And I'm just watching this from a place of a lot of compassion, and a part of me is saying, we're so much better than this
00:25:47.830 --> 00:26:00.809
Carolini Arco: like. Come on, let's let's address the elephant in the room. Then, if the elephant in the room is the money dynamics that have been playing out that we're not happy with. Let's talk about it. Let's see it. Let's brainstorm.
00:26:00.880 --> 00:26:09.230
Carolini Arco: anyways, let's not shut ourselves down, because when we're shutting ourselves down from talking about the money piece. We're also shutting ourselves from the possibility that
00:26:09.270 --> 00:26:15.959
Carolini Arco: we get to create a very beautiful financial reality through the expressions of our gifts
00:26:16.190 --> 00:26:17.730
Carolini Arco: in a way that is new.
00:26:17.930 --> 00:26:21.179
Carolini Arco: That is not necessarily through the old business parody.
00:26:22.590 --> 00:26:24.050
Carolini Arco: So that's 1 piece
00:26:26.940 --> 00:26:28.299
Carolini Arco: of my whole mission.
00:26:30.210 --> 00:26:35.440
Natalie P.: Love it, though, and I want to acknowledge the IA shared feeling in
00:26:35.740 --> 00:26:50.350
Natalie P.: I and I love the way synchronicity works. I was literally just talking to another beautiful human being last evening about this concept, as she launches into her own heart space and offers her own
00:26:50.420 --> 00:26:51.840
Natalie P.: magic.
00:26:52.490 --> 00:26:57.369
Natalie P.: she finds herself like, okay, so this is a buy one. Get one.
00:26:57.500 --> 00:26:58.170
Carolini Arco: And she's a.
00:26:58.170 --> 00:26:59.760
Natalie P.: What am I doing?
00:27:00.780 --> 00:27:03.250
Natalie P.: No, this is this.
00:27:03.470 --> 00:27:04.150
Carolini Arco: Yes.
00:27:04.150 --> 00:27:10.029
Natalie P.: Like the bid the NIN. And that feeling
00:27:10.230 --> 00:27:13.830
Natalie P.: as so that, being her as a as a
00:27:14.600 --> 00:27:17.180
Natalie P.: as a beautiful person trying to
00:27:17.770 --> 00:27:19.090
Natalie P.: create
00:27:20.217 --> 00:27:26.919
Natalie P.: and realize a return of resources to her so she can continue to create.
00:27:27.240 --> 00:27:30.709
Natalie P.: And then, from my perspective as the mentee
00:27:31.270 --> 00:27:33.170
Natalie P.: where I have
00:27:33.730 --> 00:27:39.910
Natalie P.: the bought into, or I have felt compelled to connect with someone.
00:27:40.790 --> 00:27:43.170
Natalie P.: and felt a genuine connection.
00:27:43.200 --> 00:27:54.769
Natalie P.: and then walked into the room and a few minutes into it, and this happened to me a couple of weekends ago. Walked into it, and Womp ran into that.
00:27:56.190 --> 00:27:57.520
Carolini Arco: Sales lead? Like.
00:27:58.170 --> 00:27:59.170
Carolini Arco: yes, yeah,
00:27:59.670 --> 00:28:02.720
Natalie P.: And I realized I looked around and I thought.
00:28:04.540 --> 00:28:07.399
Natalie P.: I'm another. I'm just. I'm a number.
00:28:07.460 --> 00:28:12.909
Natalie P.: So that immediately shut me down. The authenticity left the room. I didn't want to be there.
00:28:13.790 --> 00:28:17.699
Natalie P.: but then I also started having doubts around like.
00:28:17.870 --> 00:28:47.309
Natalie P.: But why is she here she gets it, is it me, am I? Why can't I be her? She's all in. She's at the front of the room in the front row, with her hand raised, and I see her succeeding, and she so am. Do I suck? Because I'm skeptical of the money situation, is it me? And then I'm like, Wait, okay, if I'm this tied up in my head over the experience. Then it's obviously not right for me. But it comes back to this
00:28:47.440 --> 00:28:48.660
Natalie P.: where it's like.
00:28:49.040 --> 00:28:55.129
Natalie P.: if there's that many different experiences going on in the room. Then the authenticity
00:28:57.740 --> 00:28:58.890
Natalie P.: is
00:29:00.240 --> 00:29:02.999
Natalie P.: the energy is just scattered.
00:29:03.630 --> 00:29:11.340
Carolini Arco: Yeah, it's it's it's hard. And it's a sensitive conversation, because everybody's coming from a very different point of view. Right? And I think that's that's the piece as well that
00:29:11.530 --> 00:29:15.189
Carolini Arco: we have been taught. That being all in meant you're selling.
00:29:15.230 --> 00:29:23.759
Carolini Arco: that's what like. That's why, when you, when when a woman sat with you. You're like, oh, she's all in. She she gave me an offer. She wasn't apologetically about it, and she was just like
00:29:23.990 --> 00:29:29.119
Carolini Arco: she's all in. Why am I not all in? We have been taught that being all in means you're selling, you're selling, you're selling.
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Carolini Arco: I think that being all in means that you're serving. You're serving. You're serving, you know. I
00:29:36.020 --> 00:29:50.370
Carolini Arco: I'm experiencing right now for an example. This year is a year. Last year I sold a bunch the last couple of years, and it felt really easy felt really natural. I really believed in the offers, you know, like I wanted those people to be in this year. I didn't feel like selling much at all. I just didn't.
00:29:50.380 --> 00:29:54.470
Carolini Arco: And I have like right now, 80% full capacity
00:29:54.660 --> 00:29:59.179
Carolini Arco: on my one, on one coaching right like throughout the whole year, without selling at all, because
00:29:59.480 --> 00:30:09.670
Carolini Arco: the service speaks for itself when you are serving, the resource has no way but to find you. You know that has been my true lived experience.
00:30:11.520 --> 00:30:22.129
Carolini Arco: But we're so disconnected from the trusting in that which is what is required. If we're going to create a new paradigm for leadership is, we need to trust that a new way it works
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Carolini Arco: again the fear of change. We're afraid. What if I let go? What if I stop selling? What if I stop like with that pushy language? What if I stop putting myself as the authority? Will that work? Because I know that in the past this is what has worked
00:30:36.390 --> 00:30:44.900
Carolini Arco: we if we're leaders, we need to trust that the new way will work, and the only way we will do it is if we actually go for it and create the new way
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Carolini Arco: for anything like for the coaching industry or for anybody. The only way that we will know that the new way will work is if we go for it, and if we try.
00:30:53.699 --> 00:30:54.100
Natalie P.: Yeah.
00:30:57.040 --> 00:31:01.830
Carolini Arco: I think that's that's our job. To do, you know, is to to actually come into a place of
00:31:02.460 --> 00:31:14.169
Carolini Arco: integrity with ourselves of I believe that it is possible to be successful, to create resources by serving through my heart, by being true to about who I am, by
00:31:14.190 --> 00:31:22.629
Carolini Arco: redefining my relationship with money and resources, and like not making this condition thing that I need to have a business for money to come to me like bullshit that that's
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Carolini Arco: like out. I've manifested $20,000 out of nowhere, $50,000 out of nowhere, multiple times, not through my business. And I have stories about it that I can share. You know you don't need the freaking business in order to create the money. Stop! Let's stop that mentality. Money is one thing. Business is another thing.
00:31:42.280 --> 00:31:57.949
Carolini Arco: and if we believe that you know I get to serve through my resources, I will be support. I get to serve through my heart, I will be supported in my life. I will receive the resources, and the only thing that I need to do is to serve through my heart, and know and know, and know, and know, and trust and trust and trust. Then that's what we need to
00:31:58.320 --> 00:32:01.090
Carolini Arco: be in integrity with and operate from.
00:32:01.280 --> 00:32:02.020
Carolini Arco: Yep.
00:32:02.160 --> 00:32:22.100
Carolini Arco: you know, instead of falling back off. Oh, but I'm going to try that. I'm going to try doing that offer that I don't really want, and that 2 for one buy like, buy 2, but I don't know. Buy one, get 2, just to see. Just to see. I'm just gonna like, tap my fingers there is like, No, I'm in integrity. This is who I am now. That's what I'm stepping into now. This is how I'm walking now.
00:32:22.110 --> 00:32:23.460
Carolini Arco: and I
00:32:23.820 --> 00:32:33.620
Carolini Arco: I will trust, as if as if it was my job to trust. Because it is we're trusting in people we're trusting in transformation. We have to trust it in ourselves. First, st
00:32:35.080 --> 00:32:41.690
Carolini Arco: how can I say, I trust in your transformation if I don't trust in my transformation, in the transformation of the coaching industry, the transformation.
00:32:42.300 --> 00:32:45.349
Carolini Arco: You know what I mean like I I trust in change.
00:32:45.480 --> 00:32:47.039
Carolini Arco: I trust in transmission.
00:32:47.040 --> 00:32:52.310
Natalie P.: Back to what you were saying. Just by its very nature. Of this.
00:32:52.480 --> 00:32:54.379
Natalie P.: you know, this role
00:32:54.390 --> 00:32:57.990
Natalie P.: is the leading edge of
00:32:58.700 --> 00:32:59.565
Natalie P.: of
00:33:02.450 --> 00:33:03.580
Natalie P.: where
00:33:03.740 --> 00:33:08.059
Natalie P.: we're leading by example and connecting by example
00:33:08.070 --> 00:33:12.390
Natalie P.: and showing what's possible. And and
00:33:12.490 --> 00:33:14.550
Natalie P.: and so I.
00:33:14.740 --> 00:33:16.630
Natalie P.: So the the
00:33:16.760 --> 00:33:21.760
Natalie P.: I have a friend, the itty, bitty, shitty committee who sits in my brain and says.
00:33:21.890 --> 00:33:25.320
Natalie P.: Yeah, but did you hear that
00:33:27.740 --> 00:33:29.780
Natalie P.: money isn't
00:33:30.280 --> 00:33:35.340
Natalie P.: money isn't an issue for those people that have like easy for you to say
00:33:36.353 --> 00:33:52.790
Natalie P.: I live from a play I have built like I'm I'm thinking this is right. These are the voices like I have bills to pay. I have a kid downstairs, I have, and I mean so then I I go from that to yes.
00:33:52.820 --> 00:33:56.199
Natalie P.: and you have to start somewhere.
00:33:56.230 --> 00:34:03.010
Natalie P.: and that is, you can support all of the bills to pay. Yes, it costs money to
00:34:03.020 --> 00:34:13.501
Natalie P.: to be in the on this planet. There it is the method by which we exchange goods and services is that piece of right is is money
00:34:14.620 --> 00:34:16.140
Natalie P.: But if you don't
00:34:16.380 --> 00:34:17.500
Natalie P.: take.
00:34:17.739 --> 00:34:24.340
Natalie P.: if you don't completely shift your relationship to it, you will always stay in that relationship with it.
00:34:26.320 --> 00:34:50.479
Carolini Arco: Bingo. If you don't change your relationship to it, you're always going to stay in the feeling like a slave to it. It is like, and you know, I say that with all the love in my heart, but it is every individual's personal responsibility to shift your relationship with money. It is not about getting my point of view. It is not about trusting that the way that I see money is the way that you should see money, or that's the way that is right for you that I don't think that's it at all.
00:34:50.580 --> 00:34:59.340
Carolini Arco: But it is a personal journey that each individual has to be willing to go through. What is my relationship with money? How do I want my relationship with money to feel like
00:34:59.580 --> 00:35:04.049
Carolini Arco: I just. And I'm not trying to sell or anything. But I just did like an 11 day journey for my
00:35:04.070 --> 00:35:08.160
Carolini Arco: my membership community around that the self and resources
00:35:08.740 --> 00:35:33.879
Carolini Arco: coming into a place of sovereignty with money for yourself. I have, Natalie. I left home when I was 18 years old I had $60 in my pocket and started life new again estranged from my parents. That was the beginning of my adult life. Okay, let's just start with that. I immigrated to Canada when I was 23 years old by myself. I had $2,000 that I managed to save somehow that was supposed to last me for 6 months, $2,000 to last me. For 6 months
00:35:33.880 --> 00:35:51.800
Carolini Arco: I lived on an attic of a home for $200 a month. I used to eat a dollar, was my grocery store I used to eat at the Buddhist temple because they would give free foods, and that was my life, and you know what I felt incredibly abundant by living with $600 a month back. Then, yeah.
00:35:52.250 --> 00:36:04.219
Carolini Arco: for some of us, when we actually go ahead and we do our own relationship work with money, we will discover that you don't actually need as much more as you think you do. But there is an opportunity to step into enoughness for what is already here.
00:36:04.450 --> 00:36:05.370
Carolini Arco: and
00:36:06.340 --> 00:36:14.520
Carolini Arco: for some of us that would be the work. You you actually have to look at it and be like, you know what I don't need to be a slave of this thing. Money where I'm at, where I am at is actually
00:36:14.600 --> 00:36:22.320
Carolini Arco: really good, and I get you on that I get to be proud of that I get to stop the the conditioning that tells me I need more, more and more and more, more and more more.
00:36:22.950 --> 00:36:23.510
Carolini Arco: Yep,
00:36:25.420 --> 00:36:27.209
Carolini Arco: But again it comes back to.
00:36:27.560 --> 00:36:32.787
Carolini Arco: Is each one of us individual responsibility to do our work around that.
00:36:33.770 --> 00:36:34.260
Carolini Arco: Yep.
00:36:34.270 --> 00:37:03.080
Natalie P.: And unwind you. You nailed it. It's it is conditioning, and and it has been in place and in motion and impacting us for generations and in order for us to granted time. You know, information, age, the Internet, the connectivity is, there's a faster and and much more intense pace to things. But we have undoing, unraveling to do.
00:37:03.210 --> 00:37:05.849
Natalie P.: and patience and grace, and
00:37:05.880 --> 00:37:06.930
Natalie P.: and
00:37:06.970 --> 00:37:22.419
Natalie P.: and and connecting with beautiful. You know, humans that are a few steps ahead, not as a place of power, not as a place of of authority. Or I told you, or I'm telling you, but as a place of mentorship.
00:37:22.510 --> 00:37:27.649
Natalie P.: I think that's a key distinction that you're that you're making is
00:37:30.450 --> 00:37:31.760
Natalie P.: guidance
00:37:32.550 --> 00:37:49.259
Natalie P.: and being the type of being the type of leader and mentor that you need, that you needed, or that you and and giving into the collective what what you know from experience, being a few steps forward
00:37:49.630 --> 00:38:04.730
Natalie P.: again, not as a place of. There's not an authority to it, or a hierarchy to it. Right? That's where I think the business starts to filter in. The money part starts to filter in. Well, you need to listen to me because I've made money on this. People. Pay me for this. So that's my
00:38:04.880 --> 00:38:18.470
Natalie P.: that's my authority that it works, or that's the you know. The the blue check mark by my, by my name means that I know what I'm talking about, that I know what I'm talking about comes through in the way that I come in
00:38:18.550 --> 00:38:19.690
Natalie P.: and
00:38:23.080 --> 00:38:23.980
Natalie P.: and
00:38:24.120 --> 00:38:25.960
Natalie P.: and that is my.
00:38:26.170 --> 00:38:29.489
Natalie P.: and and in service to others. Yeah.
00:38:29.910 --> 00:38:30.790
Carolini Arco: Yeah, yeah.
00:38:30.900 --> 00:38:40.410
Carolini Arco: yeah, it's it's, it's a continuous evolution, right? And is is, it's a lot of trial and error. I think. And it's being okay with being in the process of trial and error. But it's definitely something that I
00:38:40.770 --> 00:38:46.270
Carolini Arco: stand for, and I do my best to live by is, we are in an exchange. This is very much
00:38:46.280 --> 00:38:49.900
Carolini Arco: the time that we're at in the planet requires sovereignty
00:38:50.690 --> 00:38:55.179
Carolini Arco: and sovereignty as an individual process is not about me telling you
00:38:55.200 --> 00:39:00.959
Carolini Arco: what to do or who to be, or you know it's it's just if I can help you. If I can offer some reflection, some questioning
00:39:01.100 --> 00:39:07.019
Carolini Arco: anything that will help you get into a place of more sovereignty for yourself
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Carolini Arco: that that is my job, even if your sovereignty means that it's completely different than mine, and that you completely disagree with everything that I say. I can absolutely respect you on that like absolutely, you know.
00:39:22.660 --> 00:39:26.171
Natalie P.: There as I was stalking you online,
00:39:27.500 --> 00:39:37.730
Natalie P.: you you said in a post. If we knew how immensely valuable we are, we wouldn't waste a minute in doubt or regret.
00:39:38.730 --> 00:39:39.660
Carolini Arco: Yeah.
00:39:39.790 --> 00:39:40.830
Carolini Arco: yeah.
00:39:40.830 --> 00:39:41.850
Natalie P.: I love that.
00:39:42.490 --> 00:39:43.020
Carolini Arco: Yeah.
00:39:43.020 --> 00:39:46.210
Natalie P.: And it. It helps me understand
00:39:46.310 --> 00:39:49.270
Natalie P.: how committed you are
00:39:51.860 --> 00:39:53.340
Natalie P.: that self.
00:39:53.560 --> 00:39:55.609
Natalie P.: that self love that
00:39:55.760 --> 00:39:59.610
Natalie P.: has happened for you and with you.
00:40:00.600 --> 00:40:01.740
Natalie P.: and then
00:40:01.950 --> 00:40:05.799
Natalie P.: helping others step into that place of just
00:40:05.870 --> 00:40:09.200
Natalie P.: immense value. Yeah, that's beautiful.
00:40:09.440 --> 00:40:09.950
Natalie P.: Thank you.
00:40:09.950 --> 00:40:10.400
Carolini Arco: Don't have to leave.
00:40:10.400 --> 00:40:14.190
Natalie P.: You have. You have beautiful photography online?
00:40:15.990 --> 00:40:18.260
Natalie P.: Yeah, I'm like, just
00:40:18.330 --> 00:40:22.749
Natalie P.: fantastic images. I want to. I want to
00:40:23.287 --> 00:40:28.999
Natalie P.: share with folks how they can get to know you like. I'm getting to know you.
00:40:29.565 --> 00:40:32.420
Natalie P.: Who does your photography for you.
00:40:33.000 --> 00:40:34.280
Natalie P.: It's beautiful.
00:40:34.900 --> 00:40:54.709
Carolini Arco: Yeah, I have a few different angels in my life who are the most skilled human beings, and who are always up to a challenge. You know, when I'm like, I want something gold. I'm gonna paint my hair gold and then spread gold all over my face. Can we do something cool with that. They're like, yes, we can.
00:40:54.710 --> 00:41:04.130
Natalie P.: Yes, we all need those angels. Yes, there's a there's a book that I just gifted to someone in a in a spiritual exchange called hiring the heavens.
00:41:04.310 --> 00:41:09.429
Natalie P.: And yeah, that it's it's we all need this team of of yummy
00:41:09.480 --> 00:41:12.772
Natalie P.: individuals. So Instagram,
00:41:14.420 --> 00:41:33.329
Natalie P.: your handle is Arco, which is your last name Arco teachings, which I find is really engaging and and not only just from the photography, but just your thoughts. And and then on Facebook. The handle is
00:41:33.370 --> 00:41:35.820
Natalie P.: Caroline Caroline.
00:41:36.330 --> 00:41:41.320
Carolini Arco: Yeah, you can find me as both Carolina and Caroline so secret here. My.
00:41:41.750 --> 00:41:55.769
Carolini Arco: I'm Brazilian. I was born. I was born in Brazil. Speak Portuguese originally, so my name would be written the same as Caroline in English, but Caroline was the version of me who was very depressed, and who had a really hard time finding herself
00:41:56.428 --> 00:42:05.089
Carolini Arco: and so in Portuguese originally, how you would say my name is Carolina, and I was like, Well, I actually want to to honor that, so I'll keep the Carolina.
00:42:05.230 --> 00:42:11.849
Carolini Arco: So you're going to see written in 2 ways. I know it's confusing. You're going to see written with an I at the end, or with an E at the end.
00:42:11.910 --> 00:42:16.680
Carolini Arco: But through both ways you can find me on Facebook, Carolina. Yes.
00:42:16.680 --> 00:42:30.550
Natalie P.: But what a cool, I mean, just what a cool perspective! Of of your origins! And and we just honoring parts of your your path. That's incredible.
00:42:31.092 --> 00:42:40.669
Natalie P.: Is there anything you've mentioned? We've we've touched on a few different things that folks do with you throughout this conversation. Is there anything in particular that you're
00:42:41.280 --> 00:42:50.750
Natalie P.: working on right now, or that you just in closing thoughts, or before we we land this plane, if you will
00:42:51.154 --> 00:42:55.169
Natalie P.: that you're compelled to share with folks that are listening in.
00:42:56.140 --> 00:43:05.559
Carolini Arco: Yeah. So I do have a membership community that is quite affordable and is a space for lightworkers to come together and to do
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Carolini Arco: this work of emotional mastery, and also of validating our new beliefs as we are creating a new paradigm
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Carolini Arco: and is a space for a lot of empowerment, is also a space for a lot of community. So if anybody is
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Carolini Arco: desiring a room where you can be having these kinds of conversations in real time.
00:43:24.600 --> 00:43:27.190
Carolini Arco: and how to apply these concepts.
00:43:27.778 --> 00:43:35.851
Carolini Arco: Yeah, that's a really good place to check it out. So you can find it inside. My my website is called the inner circle, and that's a good place.
00:43:37.675 --> 00:43:38.490
Natalie P.: And
00:43:40.590 --> 00:43:41.650
Natalie P.: the
00:43:42.410 --> 00:43:44.149
Natalie P.: and and being
00:43:44.360 --> 00:43:48.690
Natalie P.: empowered and proud of light work.
00:43:49.583 --> 00:43:52.749
Natalie P.: There's a lot of naysayers. There's a lot of
00:43:53.030 --> 00:43:56.560
Natalie P.: there can be discomfort around the concept
00:43:56.980 --> 00:43:58.400
Natalie P.: of of
00:43:58.430 --> 00:44:06.940
Natalie P.: or around introducing you. You could. You can experience pushback whether it's energetic or or quite literal pushback
00:44:06.950 --> 00:44:12.210
Natalie P.: about being a light worker, and I'm imagining that this is a room where
00:44:13.024 --> 00:44:17.370
Natalie P.: you work through that and find your find, your energy
00:44:17.490 --> 00:44:19.930
Natalie P.: growing and and strengthening.
00:44:21.380 --> 00:44:23.439
Natalie P.: which I think is very necessary.
00:44:23.860 --> 00:44:36.980
Carolini Arco: Yeah, absolutely is definitely a place for ownership for us to own that. That's what we do. You know, that's who we are. And it doesn't mean that you need to be a healer. It doesn't mean that you need to work with this. Specifically, it just means that you have a true desire to
00:44:37.000 --> 00:44:54.119
Carolini Arco: contribute to the planet through your gifts, through your sacred purpose. Even if you don't know what that is yet like you, just you're there, right. You want to be part of this movement of growth, and it's very much about owning it. The value of it. How much value we have when we come into that place.
00:44:55.530 --> 00:45:05.889
Carolini Arco: Ownership, because that sentence that you were just mentioning before of. If we only knew how valuable we were, we wouldn't waste a moment in doubt that really came from me. If I may share.
00:45:06.140 --> 00:45:06.839
Natalie P.: This is a close call.
00:45:06.840 --> 00:45:07.580
Carolini Arco: As well.
00:45:07.770 --> 00:45:13.379
Carolini Arco: That really came from me, walking through my life, my daily life outside of the Internet, and
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Carolini Arco: noticing the value that I was giving to people in the smallest interactions. So
00:45:18.580 --> 00:45:25.370
Carolini Arco: when I was able to buy a piece of jewelry from the artisan that was selling it by the beach, you know. I would take a moment. I would really
00:45:25.410 --> 00:45:34.189
Carolini Arco: feeling to the impact that I was giving, not just for that artisan, but for art as a whole for the culture of all the artisans, who felt
00:45:34.380 --> 00:45:37.090
Carolini Arco: that perhaps they weren't able to work through their art, and
00:45:37.140 --> 00:45:40.760
Carolini Arco: the contribution of that and the natural materials that were being used. And
00:45:40.870 --> 00:45:53.389
Carolini Arco: when I go to the supermarket I live in this small fishing village, and so the supermarket has the name of, you know, a family that has lived here forever. And I was like, this is so important to me that I'm able to support this family instead of the big corporations, or
00:45:53.680 --> 00:46:13.520
Carolini Arco: I have a story on my Instagram about my homekeeper, which I found by the beach selling candies, and was able to together, obviously really elevate her life. And so that came from me like walking my life and noticing. Wow! Like this action has so much value. This action has so much value might be something that's so trivial.
00:46:13.660 --> 00:46:16.780
Carolini Arco: But if we stop to think about it, it's really creating a ripple
00:46:16.820 --> 00:46:17.910
Carolini Arco: impact.
00:46:18.613 --> 00:46:21.156
Carolini Arco: And that's where that sentence really
00:46:21.940 --> 00:46:25.230
Carolini Arco: really landed for me. So that's why I shared it, too.
00:46:25.930 --> 00:46:29.990
Natalie P.: Yeah, the ripple is is real. Yeah.
00:46:30.040 --> 00:46:42.659
Natalie P.: And and if we, if we, if we commit ourselves to that ripple and and we find ourselves in rooms of of magic and and humans, healers.
00:46:43.291 --> 00:46:46.050
Natalie P.: Those that are committed to
00:46:48.900 --> 00:46:50.030
Natalie P.: this
00:46:50.740 --> 00:46:52.530
Natalie P.: making, this
00:46:52.690 --> 00:46:56.449
Natalie P.: elevating, this space that we're in in this form.
00:46:57.014 --> 00:47:02.559
Natalie P.: Yeah, the ripple is is real. Absolutely. I feel that
00:47:02.650 --> 00:47:03.870
Natalie P.: 100%.
00:47:04.970 --> 00:47:09.320
Carolini Arco: Yeah. And I think if we own it, we we will discover that we're so much powerful than
00:47:09.990 --> 00:47:12.060
Carolini Arco: what the systems would make us believe.
00:47:12.060 --> 00:47:12.610
Natalie P.: If we.
00:47:12.610 --> 00:47:15.969
Carolini Arco: Own all these little actions, and the ripple that they bring with.
00:47:16.240 --> 00:47:21.810
Carolini Arco: We are so much powerful, you know we have so much in our hands to create positive change.
00:47:22.820 --> 00:47:24.410
Carolini Arco: And I think it's important. We believe in.
00:47:24.870 --> 00:47:27.615
Natalie P.: I I feel
00:47:28.930 --> 00:47:45.800
Natalie P.: I feel good, and that's not the word I but bear with me. There is definitely an energy that you share, that is, and I know you've heard this from others. But let me just reflect back to you that it's it's a very real
00:47:45.850 --> 00:47:48.469
Natalie P.: commitment that you that you
00:47:49.800 --> 00:47:56.439
Natalie P.: energetically put out into to the world. I'm experiencing it firsthand and
00:47:57.233 --> 00:47:58.520
Natalie P.: I just
00:48:02.370 --> 00:48:04.710
Natalie P.: am in gratitude for
00:48:04.890 --> 00:48:07.500
Natalie P.: our paths, crossing and
00:48:07.850 --> 00:48:14.030
Natalie P.: and letting letting me think with you, and and listen in on the way that your mind.
00:48:14.370 --> 00:48:20.270
Natalie P.: your the way that your mind works is, it's beautiful. I do. I appreciate this time spent with you.
00:48:20.960 --> 00:48:26.000
Carolini Arco: Me, too, Natalie. Thank you so much. Thank you for this beautiful session together. I really appreciate it too.
00:48:26.000 --> 00:48:26.670
Natalie P.: Yeah.
00:48:27.530 --> 00:48:36.849
Natalie P.: And I want to thank everyone here that's listening in in real time for themselves, whatever that looks like
00:48:36.940 --> 00:48:57.740
Natalie P.: for thinking out loud with me, and today's guest, Carolina and Caroline honor both. Arco given. How many choices you have to spend your time? I'm honored that you've been sharing it here with the 2 of us, and until we visit again, please go live with love
00:48:58.426 --> 00:49:04.489
Natalie P.: and intention. And please, please, please don't let anybody fuck with your flow
00:49:05.530 --> 00:49:07.020
Natalie P.: big hugs.
00:49:07.230 --> 00:49:08.650
Natalie P.: big love
00:49:09.130 --> 00:49:10.340
Natalie P.: bye, friends.