Think Out Loud With Me
Hi friends! Welcome to THINK OUT LOUD WITH ME, a chat-cast produced, hosted, and humbly offered by yours truly, Natalie P., from my neck of the woods to YOU…in YOURS. I’m taking full advantage of a Universally-accepted, irrevocable license to be curious, and held by every single one of us to engage others in constructive and enlightening conversation.
After years of internal chatter, silent suffering, and physical and mental close calls, I was exhausted keeping it all together by myself. THINK OUT LOUD WITH ME is a search for Self, and a celebration of clarity, connection, community, and congruence I discover in the stories and perspectives and beauty of others in search of the same.
If I help you find your voice…ignite your curiosity…nudge you just a bit in your own favor…well, shit. I’d like that. I’d like that a LOT.
Thanks for listening.
Think Out Loud With Me
E44: TOLWM + Holly Krivo x Sober*ish Uprising
Questioning if you drink too much? It's ok. You don't have to say it out loud. Just give yourself some wiggle room to listen.
Meet Holly Krivo, the brains and beauty behind Sober*ish Uprising, her quest to lead women on exploring a sober life. From Holly’s POV, it’s not about saying NO to booze, it’s about saying yes to YOU. After finding her own sober*ish life, her gifts as a natural storyteller, cheerleader, and coach kicked into high gear, and she now partners with fantastic women as they step into an empowering life without booze.
I love how Holly's brain works.
🍹 Alcohol as the glue that binds us together
➕ Don't lie, get real, do the mental math, alcohol is a drug
🔬Ouch, micro-abandonments are the BIG and the stories are all intertwined
🫵🏻 Fuck society's definitions, this is about YOU
🫢 And then one day, you're more than just curious
Holly's next SOBER•ISH EXPERIMENT starts September 5th. If you're vibing with her and want to jump on board, get in touch. Here are other ways to contact her:
Website: https://soberishuprising.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holly.krivokapich
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soberishhollykrivo/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@soberishuprising
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sober-ish-uprising/id1496930198
Ooh! Send me a text! How fun is that?!
Like you, I'm a beautiful work in progress! WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | LINKEDIN Get in touch!