Think Out Loud With Me

E40: TOLWM + Chris Denson x Big Blue Sky Playing (and Thinking)

August 03, 2024 Chris Denson Episode 40
E40: TOLWM + Chris Denson x Big Blue Sky Playing (and Thinking)
Think Out Loud With Me
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Think Out Loud With Me
E40: TOLWM + Chris Denson x Big Blue Sky Playing (and Thinking)
Aug 03, 2024 Episode 40
Chris Denson

Some of us are on a mission to bring voice to lived experiences, putting a microphone in front of humans to share stories and relatable journeys with the world. We have a particular level of curiosity and knack for engagement that draws out characters and plots and allows us to fade in to scenes of life that are especially meaningful and packed with perspective. I’m one of those. My guest in this episode is another.

Chris Denson is marketer, multimedia host, bestselling author, and former stand-up comic. He has spent his career building better companies, launching new ideas, and giving rise to cultural tastemakers through awe- inspired experiences, content, and advisory. Echoing an award-winning career across entertainment, marketing, media and technology industries, Chris has valuable insights, practices, and resources to thrive in an always- evolving cultural and technological landscape.

He has done this alongside The United Nations, Fast Company, Omnicom Media Group, MullenLowe, The Emmys, Cannes Lions, MassChallenge, HubSpot, Google Launchpad, The Obama Administration, and authored the 2018 #1 bestselling book, "10 Essential Rules for Breaking Essential Rules.” He is also trained and experienced in trauma response, body movement, meditation, and psychedelic facilitation.

Listen in. I stalked Chris and hold him down long enough to have a fantastic conversation. Here are the highlights:

🦁 Recap of Live from Cannes Lion with 🤖 Zeke, the Co-Host with the (Al)most
🥣 Soup Fixin's of AI, Innovation, Transition, Human Interaction
🤦🏽‍♂️ LOL'ing and Ideating with a Recovering Comedian
🧠 Growing the Super Power of Your Innovative Mind
🛄 The Innovator's Journey and the Value of Lived Experience
👁️‍🗨️ Visionology: Mental Health as Exploration and Excavation

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Show Notes

Some of us are on a mission to bring voice to lived experiences, putting a microphone in front of humans to share stories and relatable journeys with the world. We have a particular level of curiosity and knack for engagement that draws out characters and plots and allows us to fade in to scenes of life that are especially meaningful and packed with perspective. I’m one of those. My guest in this episode is another.

Chris Denson is marketer, multimedia host, bestselling author, and former stand-up comic. He has spent his career building better companies, launching new ideas, and giving rise to cultural tastemakers through awe- inspired experiences, content, and advisory. Echoing an award-winning career across entertainment, marketing, media and technology industries, Chris has valuable insights, practices, and resources to thrive in an always- evolving cultural and technological landscape.

He has done this alongside The United Nations, Fast Company, Omnicom Media Group, MullenLowe, The Emmys, Cannes Lions, MassChallenge, HubSpot, Google Launchpad, The Obama Administration, and authored the 2018 #1 bestselling book, "10 Essential Rules for Breaking Essential Rules.” He is also trained and experienced in trauma response, body movement, meditation, and psychedelic facilitation.

Listen in. I stalked Chris and hold him down long enough to have a fantastic conversation. Here are the highlights:

🦁 Recap of Live from Cannes Lion with 🤖 Zeke, the Co-Host with the (Al)most
🥣 Soup Fixin's of AI, Innovation, Transition, Human Interaction
🤦🏽‍♂️ LOL'ing and Ideating with a Recovering Comedian
🧠 Growing the Super Power of Your Innovative Mind
🛄 The Innovator's Journey and the Value of Lived Experience
👁️‍🗨️ Visionology: Mental Health as Exploration and Excavation

Connect with and experience Chris Denson in the following ways:

Ooh! Send me a text! How fun is that?!

Support the show

Like you, I'm a beautiful work in progress! WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | LINKEDIN Get in touch!